Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another adventure at the doctor's office

I swear, everytime I have to bring a kid to the doctor, it's an adventure. It can never run smoothly with nothing to report.
Cordelia had her six month checkup on Friday. She is doing great. I was so happy she didn't cry the whole appointment like she did last time. I guess she is over her fear of mustaches. This time she really watched the doctor and grabbed for anything that was put in her reach. The doctor kept telling her she was so serious. He tried to get her to smile. He got close, but she kept that serious look the whole time.
Since the appointment was right after I got off of work I only had time to change clothes and leave again when I got home. I threw all of my things in the diaper bag and we took off. When I got to the clinic I realized I had grabbed my regular purse. So not only did I not have my wallet, but I also didn't have any diapers or wipes. I sat through the whole appointment praying she would not have a messy diaper until we got home. Thankfully we made it.
The only minor thing Cordelia has is some small patches of eczema on her skin. The doctor said this was probably occurring from something I ate although it could be from clothes too. If it was something I ate the most common foods that cause eczema is chocolate, and then I think he said oranges, and he named a couple more. I can't remember what other foods he said because I kind of blanked out after chocolate. I love Cordelia, but I will give up breastfeeding before I give up chocolate.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do moms retire?

Up until two weeks ago my dad worked for UPS. Today I was asked if his route had changed because someone new was delivering in the area. (I can't believe they miss you already, dad).
"No, he just retired," I said.
"Is your mom retired too," she asked.
I have never been asked that and it kind of through me for a loop. "She was a stay-at-home mom," I said. "I guess you could say she retired when my sister moved out last year."
I thought about this some more later. If my mom had indeed retired last year, where was her big retirement party? Where were her cards of congratulations? Where were her presents celebrating her years of hard work?
Do moms actually get to retire? Probably not. She may no longer have any kids at home (although as I write this the grandkids are sleeping overnight there). So she doesn't have any kids there permenantly, but she is still always on the job. My mom is always one phone call away when I need to vent about the husband, kids or both. My mom still takes care of me when I don't feel good, by taking the kids so I can get some rest. And my mom will still bake my most favorite birthday cake if I ask.
While my mom will never get to officially retire from her profession, I think she still deserves a big retirement party for her years of raising, I must say, three fabulous women.

What a cheat

Rion got his first taste of kindergarten on Wednesday. Fred was supposed to take all three kids to the school and drop Rion off. When I got home I asked him how it went.
"Good," he said, "Your Grandma came over and watched Cordelia and Torii while I dropped Rion off."
"Excuse me?"
"I told her she didn't have to," he said. "I was going to drop them off, but she came here instead."
"Why can't you take all three kids anywhere?"
"Oh I have no problem taking them anywhere. And none of the other parents had their other kids with."
I was so disappointed. He had it easy and only had to do a 15 minute trip with them. Now I should make it really difficult and make a grocery list out for him. A long grocery list. And he can grocery shopping with all three kids while I sit in front of the TV doing nothing.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Cordelia's world

I'm not going to write out Cordelia all the time. Who gave her such a long name anyway? I get asked a lot if she has a nickname. I thought about it, but I didn't want to force a shorten version of her name. I thought something would come naturally in time. Cordy seems to fit a lot and we say that sometimes. But what I like to call her is Dilly. I was annoying Torii one day when I kept calling her Cordilly. He didn't like that so I kept saying it. Then it just got shorten to Dilly. So it will probably be Cordy or Dilly.

So what's Cordy up to now that she's six months old? Six months old! Half way there until I can go to Fiesta Villa for a margarita. Time is flying. Well, Cordy is starting to get into everything. She isn't really crawling. She mostly rolls around and pivets on her tummy to get to things. She has a good reach for a little baby. She is getting into the boys' toys which they hate. I love it. Rion picked up his toys the other day so she couldn't get them.

It's nice that Cordy is finally doing things. No more laying around and just looking cute. It's fun to watch babies explore. Although that's all I'll be doing for awhile now. I can't leave her alone anymore. If I leave the room, she has to go with. I am constantly taking things away from her. She gets into my magazines. I don't know why babies love to crunch up pages so much. She loves Torii's mardi gras beads and is always after them. And of course there is a ton of little toys laying around. I made Torii cry tonight because I told him we were going to put a gate on their bedroom door and leave all their toys in there so Cordy couldn't get them. Torii thought I would be keeping him out too and cried and cried.

Cordy also had her first taste of cereal tonight. The first time the spoon came near her, she hit it with her hand and cereal went everywhere. Torii laughed. I tried again and Cordy spit it out. Torii laughed. I tried again. Cordy pushed the spoon out with her tongue. Torii laughed. I think I got a little cereal to go down because she made some awful faces. Most of it ended up on her clothes. Both Cordy and Torii thought the whole thing was extremely funny.


Tonight I made Drunken Chicken on the grill. Rion was watching me and wanted to take a drink of the "pop". I told him he couldn't, it wasn't pop, it was beer. I got my chicken all ready and went out to light the grill. When I came back in the kitchen, Rion was saying, "it burns, it burns." "You didn't take a drink from that beer," I asked. I was convinced he had after I told him not to. He said he hadn't. Instead he had dipped his finger into the rub I was putting on the chicken. It had a bit of a kick to it. I always mix cinnamon and sugar together for toast and put it in a small plastic container. This rub was mostly paprika so it sort of had the same color and I put it in the same small container as the cinnamon sugar. After Rion got a drink of milk, he told me he thought it was cinnamon. Oops.

Fred's turn

For the next four Wednesdays Rion can join the current kindergarten class for an hour to get a taste of what school will be like. Over the weekend Fred and I talked about how we are going to get him there and back and I thought it was pretty simple. He has two choices.
A) He can take the Blazer, which I am leaving at home for him, to drive all the kids to the school.
B) He can walk to the school, in which case, the stroller is in the garage for Cordy.
I thought I spelled it all out for him, but today he asked me again. And I quote, "How am I supposed to do it with all three kids?" I could have been helpful and laid it all out for him again, but the annoyed bitchy mom came out instead. "The same way I do when I haul all three to Wal-mart." I am secretly enjoying his pain. I realized he has never gone anywhere with all three kids alone. I am tempted to take off work early, hide out at the school and see how he manages. Although being sneaky and suspicious at a school isn't the best of ideas. I am enjoying his pain the more I think about it. Fred doesn't really plan things out so I wonder if he's thought about any of this. Rion is going to the afternoon session. That means, the kids have to have lunch, be dressed and if he wants Cordy to be good she has to eat before leaving too. I love the thought of him having to do all of this. I could be really helpful and help him out, but I want him to suffer. I had to figure it all out on my own and he can too.