Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today was just one of those days. We had our first MOPS meeting of the year and I was on fruit duty. I have a fabulous recipe for a fruit dip and got up early to make it. And also to cut all the fruit I forgot to do the night before. As soon as I got up so did the kids so my early rise became not early enough. I cut up the fruit and then started on the dip. Cordelia cried every time the beaters were turned on. Then I started to get anxious about time since this is the first time I've had to worry about getting a kid off to school before MOPS. With all this going on, I botched the dip and arrived with fruit only. MOPS was the most relaxing part of my day. I wish it would have lasted longer. After MOPS I ran home to get ready for work. I could have taken the day off, but decided with our short staff right now that I should go in. When I arrived I was handed a piece of paper filled with messages. I got to my office and suddenly realized I didn't put the stew in the crockpot this morning. The five o'clock bell finally rang and I was out. Since dinner wasn't waiting at home I decided just to pick McDonalds up on the way home. Not my ideal dinner, but heck, the kids will love me. I paid for the meal at the first window and started to drive away. I was looking at a parked car's license plate, trying to figure out what it said, when I suddenly remembered I just paid for food and I'm about to drive right past the pickup window. I had to jerked the car back to the left before I overshot the window. The young girl gave me a weird look. My car was at an angle and I could barely reach the bag she was handing me. It is truly amazing that I haven't been in any car wrecks. My mind is always someplace else and I'm usually thinking about three (minimum) things at once. After dinner I took the kids outside so I could start getting things set up for our rummage sale this weekend. Cordelia lasted about 20 minutes before she could no longer stand not being held. I am really glad today is done and I'm ready for bed.