Friday, May 29, 2009

A couple more haikus

Summer Vacation
Day one. Boys driving me nuts
Hurry up August

A day at the zoo
Tigers, otters, monkeys, bears
Kids like the playground

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Outdoor fun

These pictures are from before school let out for the summer. We spent some time at Rion's school because he got a good behavior award at home and I let him pick the playground we went to that day.I tried to get a picture of Cordelia coming down the slide, but she kept coming down feet first, belly down. I could only get her feet or the top of her head coming down. That girl has no fear.
I liked the picture of the boys' shadows on top of the play structure. I actually took a bunch of pictures of the shadows. I was fascinated by the pattern and shadows on the ground. I guess that's a hangover from a photography class I took in college.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Meeting the new cousin

Cordelia loved baby Heidi as long as I wasn't holding her. She threw a big tantrum the first time I got to hold Heidi.
I was getting some time with Heidi while Cordelia napped, but when Cordelia got up I figured my time was up. She actually wasn't as bad as she was before. Maybe she was used to Heidi being around by then. I put Heidi in Cordelia's lap so she could hold baby. When I took her away Cordelia reached out and pulled Heidi back to her. She really like holding the baby and she probably thought she was such a big girl.

Cordelia got in lots of hugs and kisses while she was holding Heidi.

Over the weekend we went to the zoo and Cordelia helped push Heidi around. We had a fun time at the zoo. The tigers came right up the window and stared at the kids. We also took a train ride.
It was nice to see Kelly, Brian and Heidi. Heidi was baptized on Sunday. Cordelia was a major pain throughout the service. Heidi didn't even peep. I took Cordelia with me when we had to stand up with Heidi, thinking Cordelia would be ok as long as I didn't leave her with someone else. Wrong, she cried and wiggled in my arms throughout. After the baptism we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. The campfire was going and there was two picnic tables full of food. Everything was so good and the day turned out perfect. The kids had a good time and Torii even took a nap that day. He was playing really hard.