Saturday, May 3, 2008

Haiku for parents 2

Three in the morning
After eating she burps loud
Falls asleep with me

I want that toy too
Now my brother puts it down
I don't want it now

Green yellow orange
Vegetables in small glass jars
I'm not eating that

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's magic

Also while at my parents' house:

My dad found a wig that is brown and curly hair and put it on to show the boys. They thought it was pretty funny. My dad sat down with Torii on the couch and Torii was throwing a blanket over my dad's head trying to get the wig off. "Abrakadabba," he said. The wig stayed on his head. Torii threw the blanket on Grandpa's head again. "Abrakanoodle," he said. Torii pulled back the blanket and the wig was gone. Torii looked at Grandpa and said, "I did it!"


The kids and I were at my parents the other night. My dad had found a toy the boys played with when they were babies and brought it out for Cordelia. Torii grabbed it right away and Rion took it away from him. After they were playing with it for a little while Rion disappeared and came back upstairs with his Jeff Gordon car he likes so much. Rion set it down and said, "Here you go Torii. You can play with this." Torii thought that was great and sat down next to the car. Then Rion got back up and grabbed the baby toy. I will have to watch him extra close when he's a teenager.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Like a cat to a can opener

Today Fred called me at work (he calls all the time, it's annoying), and Rion was whining in the background. "Yes, the pizza is in the oven," Fred told him. I looked at the clock. It was 9:30 in the morning. "You're having pizza this early," I asked. Fred explained. "Well, the boys heard the doorbell ring and when I answered it, it wasn't the pizza man. After some whining, I just put in a pizza."