Sunday, December 16, 2007


About midnight last night Torii wanted a drink of milk. I told him he had a glass in the fridge. So he left and got his drink. All of a sudden I heard "Mom! Mom!" and his little feet running the length of the house. He was running over toys and when he made it into my room he tripped on either a toy or his own feet and landed next to the bed. "Mom!" he said, "It was dark. I heard something." I was laughing so hard, but trying to comfort him at the same time. He crawled into bed with me and I rubbed his back and told him not to be scared of anything. Then it got quiet and I started to laugh again. Just picturing him running through the house in the dark made me laugh. The whole thing reminded me of an old slapstick comedy where he can't get away fast enough from whatever it is that is chasing him. I tried really hard not to laugh at him because I was trying to comfort him, but every time it got quiet I couldn't help but laugh.

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