Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When Sarah Jessica Parker runs through the streets of New York City it looks glamorous. When it happens in real life, not so glamorous. This morning I worked and then had an interview at headquarters in town after lunch. I left work a little early so I could get ready and grab something to eat before the interview. After eating my lunch the drama began. My car would not start. I tried several times and nothing. Lucky for me I wasn't far from my desintation, but with 15 minutes until I had to be there I had to run. I had to run across State Street and along Century Ave in my nice business clothes and clutching my business folder. I was also on the phone (I hate my cell phone, but I was so happy I had it today) calling my husband to get my car and calling work telling them I might be a few minutes late. I am totally out of shape so I arrived at my interview red in the face and out of breath. At least we had a good conversation starter.

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