Friday, November 21, 2008


After school today we had to stop by the grocery store to pick up some milk. I hate going into a store with all three kids for just one item. Although in this case not getting milk would have been worse because there wasn't a drop left in the house. When we got near the milk case, the boys saw that there were samples being given out so we had to stop. They were sampling some milk that is made in Sterling. We tried the chocolate milk. When Cordelia saw everyone else had something she wanted one too so I gave her a sip of mine. When I let her sip from my water glass at home she just takes little sips. When she got a sip of that chocolate milk she wouldn't stop. She put her face as far as she could into the cup. She had a big milk mustache and it was all over her new jacket. We did buy some of the chocolate milk. It was really good plus I like to support those small businesses.

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