Saturday, January 24, 2009


Sometimes I wish Fred wouldn't listen to me. I've been going on and on lately about how we need to cut back on spending. I've really been paying attention to how we spend money and I think I've become a bit of a money Nazi. I know yesterday's date set us back, but that was an exception. So as I've been preaching the need to really watch our budget, Fred has taken it upon himself to save money on the boys' haircuts. The other day he bought a hair clipper and then went to town on Torii. I really wish he would have waited one more day because I had to go out with Torii yesterday. The poor kid looks like one of the stooges. Today Fred did Rion's hair. It's better, but still could use some work. Rion really gave him a bad time so he's not going to do his hair anymore. Thank goodness. Luckily their hair grows fast.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

This is too funny :P