Thursday, March 5, 2009


One of our seat belts in the back of the Blazer broke. Until we get it fixed Rion has been sitting in the front seat. He's still not old enough to be in front with the air bag, but I think it's better than no seat belt at all. When we get the belt fixed I'm not sure how I'll ever get him to sit in the back again. He loves it in the front. He liked the fact that he could see so much in front of him. He kept looking all around. My favorite part is that the boys don't fight as much. I'm not sure I'll like Rion in the back again either. Torii was complaining about something so I told Rion we'll just turn the radio up so we can't hear him. I had Matchbox twenty in and Rion loved the first song he heard. It was "Disease" and he said it sounded like the song from one of his computer games. Now he wants to listen to it over and over. I finally persuaded him to listen to another song. I wanted to listen to "Push" which is my favorite song of theirs and he said he liked that song too. Now if I could only get him to listen to the rest of the CD. He has really been taken with music lately. He sings and hums a lot and one day while I was listening to the radio in the kitchen he came in and started dancing. I was laughing so hard because he has never done that before. He's not a bad dancer either. Anyway, back to the front seat. On Saturday after we left the hotel we pulled up next to Grandpa and Grandma at a red light. When the light turned green he wanted me to race and had a good time watching Grandpa and Grandma from his front seat window. I couldn't see his face, but I knew it must have been funny because I could see Grandpa laughing.

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