Saturday, March 14, 2009


Rion had a really good time at the birthday party today. The birthday girl got to go swimming which was good. She had something that covered up her cast. There were a few more friends from school and they all had a blast. They had a lot of fun on the water slide. Rion really worked up an appetite. He had three pieces of pizza after swimming and another one right before we left. Rion's friend was also sharing her birthday with her sister. They both opened their presents and since they are close in age, they got a lot of the same things. I love my little girl, but I am so happy I have two boys. My head was spinning from the constant gifts of Barbies, makeup, Hannah Montana, Disney princesses, and High School Musical. I prefer the Legos and video games the boys get. Although I'm quite sick of the Pokemon and Bakugan. I'm still holding on to some hope that Cordelia will be more tomboyish, but it's not looking good.

Torii ended up not putting up a fuss when we left him at Grandpa and Grandma's. It was such a beautiful day and Torii and Cordelia got to play outside. Pictures will be coming soon. They built a snowman and went sledding. We stayed a little too long because Torii was ready for bed and he fussed when we left. It is suppose to be really nice tomorrow again so I hope to get outside. The snow is melting fast and we need to play in it some more before it's gone!

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