Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Holidays

I really don't know what's been keeping us so busy, but we must be because I haven't posted anything in awhile. There has been many things I've wanted to post, but just haven't got around to it. I know I should write down all the funny things the kids say, but I never do.

We had a really good Thanksgiving at my parents' house. The kids as usual kept everyone entertained. Torii was rough housing with someone, I can't remember who at the time because he rough housed with everyone at least once during the day. Anyway, Torii is studying the Lord's Prayer in church school and as he was rough housing he came running up to me shouting, "Save me from the time of trial! Save me from the time of trial!" Ummm, Torii I don't think that line means save you from whoever is rough housing with you.

Grandma Norma is here visiting until tomorrow. The kids have kept her entertained as well. Torii is teaching her how to play all kinds of games. I'm enjoying the break from Candyland and all the other games he likes. The kids have been good for the most part, but now are starting to act "normal" around Grandma Norma. Torii was a bit of a pill today and then kept picking on Rion while we were at Pride of Dakota. This evening we took Grandma Norma down Northview and saw all the pretty lights. We also passed by the Capitol and got to see the tree displayed on the side too.

School has been going well for the boys. Rion has his Christmas program on Tuesday. Rion says he has the role of Santa so that should be a lot of fun. Rion made me laugh yesterday when I cleaned out his Friday Folder. His spelling test was in it and he only got one wrong, but only because he didn't capitalize June. But the funny part was that he put Torii's name on the test. His teacher had "Fred?" written by it. I had to ask Rion if he was thinking of his brother at the time. What can I say, the kid gets distracted easily.

Other than the normal everyday activities we are in full swing of the holiday season. My mom and I went out bright and early on Black Friday so I could get a new washer and dryer, which arrived earlier this week. I now can't believe I put up with the old set for so long. I love having a delicate cycle. And little things like having a light in the dryer absolutely delight me. We were also out of a computer for awhile as we had a virus that we had to get cleaned up. That happened right before Thanksgiving so we out of a computer during the long weekend. When we got it back, Rion said it was the best day of his life. Other that all that, I can't recall anything really exciting happening. I've been busy crafting and making some handmade gifts. I'm also easily distracted and have made way too many things for myself. Oh well. And I really should get going on those Christmas cards. Nah, craft projects are more fun.


Laurie said...

I absolutely love the picture of Torii you posted!

Glad you're enjoying your new washer/dryer :)

Stacy said...

I was playing with the tripod I got last Christmas. He didn't know I was taking pictures, but then he spotted me and I didn't get anymore, but will try again!