Friday, September 28, 2007

Haiku for parents

Earlier this year, must have been in the spring, I was stuck at work and doing a task that involves a lot of downtime. For some reason I started thinking about haiku and wrote a few about kids. Here are the best ones.

My new game is this
Throw toy on floor, mommy get
I throw toy again

In the tub tonight
Like to hear the sound I make
Hands hitting water

Mom wasn't looking
I took a bunch of cookies
Now my tummy hurts

I think I will write some more and I'll post any good ones I come up with.

Technology 1, Husband 0

Last night after the kids finally settled down, I turned on the TV to relax a little. I was bummed out to find there was only 10 minutes left of a brand new The Office. I then realized I had also missed the new My Name is Earl. Then the tides turned and I discovered that my wonderful DVR was still set to record all new episodes of both shows and they were just sitting there waiting for me to watch them. Oh, DVR, you know exactly what I want. I love you.

My husband on the other hand, has no idea what I want. Last weekend was my 30th birthday and I didn't get a gift. Apparently when I asked him to take me out to dinner for my birthday, he translated this as being released from any obligation to buy me a gift. When he told me he thought dinner was what I wanted as a gift I was furious. I only asked him this two days before my birthday, a point at which he should have already purchased my gift. Did I mention this was my 30th birthday? That automatically means great gift plus dinner. How I wish I could program my husband like the DVR.