Friday, September 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

After having a long week at work, I really wanted to do something fun this afternoon so at the last minute I decided we were going to the Pumpkin Patch. It was so nice there right after school. There was only about 10 cars there when we arrived. It almost felt like having the place to ourselves. It did start to get busier as the afternoon went on, but it was still a light crowd compared to the weekends. I think we will have to do this after school again. Rion is going on a field trip there next week and I believe Torii gets to go the next week.

The lady at the gate asked me how I knew they were open and I told her I was a Facebook friend. She said she is having a lot of fun on Facebook and is enjoying seeing the pictures posted by their fans. She told me to post some pictures, which I did. They have been updating their page quite regularly and it had been killing me that we hadn't been out there yet. We had a really good time, but when haven't we had a good time at the pumpkin patch?

I always love the first trip of the fall to the pumpkin patch. Rion always reacts the same way when we make that first turn and we see the sea of orange pumpkins. "Oh my goodness!," he says, "Look at all the pumpkins!"
Cordelia on one of the hay bale mazes. She had fun in the tunnels and for awhile I lost her in one. She just didn't want to come out! The building in the background is the new entrance into the pumpkin patch. It's really nice.
All aboard! I tried to get a picture with all three kids hanging their heads out the side of the train, but it was an impossible task. I tried multiple times at multiple locations to get a nice pictures of all the kids together, but it didn't work out.

On the wilderness trail, which is a favorite of the boys. Their imagination runs wild in that place. We were running from bad guys and some animals were there to help us. I'm not really sure what else they were talking about, but they sure had some stories while we hiked through there.
Another attempt at a nice group picture.
We had hay everywhere after our trip, but nobody complained about it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Money lessons

On Saturday the whole family headed out early to try and find some deals at the many rummage sales taking place over the weekend. The boys have some money saved up so they each brought along five dollars to spend however they wanted. It took a few rummage sales, but they finally found some toys they liked. Torii is really into Bakugan and a young boy was selling some of his Bakugan. He had a small Ziploc bag with the smaller Bakugan which the boys had none of. They could have bought the whole bag for $5.00 or else each one was fifty cents. I thought one of them would blow all their money and buy the whole bag, but they each spent one dollar and picked out two. Later in the day Torii regretted the decision and wanted to go back and buy the rest. I figured these toys would be lost and forgotten soon after we got home, but they have been playing with them a lot and have taken good care of them. They are pretty small and they haven't lost them yet. Maybe they are more mindful of them because they bought it with their own money.

By lunch time we had to take a break, but later in the afternoon Torii and I went back out. Torii still had four dollars with and found some more toys at one sale. It was getting late so the lady gave him a break and let him have it all for 75 cents. He gave her a dollar and got a quarter back, which just thrilled him. I think we talked about that quarter and money in general the rest of the afternoon. It was a good lesson because he will be learning about money later in kindergarten.

Monday, September 14, 2009


A few weeks ago I signed the boys up for gymnastics. Torii really likes tumbling, standing on his head and even watching gymnastics on TV. I thought it would be something he would enjoy so I signed him up. Of course, Rion wanted to join too. I wasn't sure if he would like it, but he really is. I'm glad he is liking it because I think it will be really good for him. Poor Rion, has no coordination so hopefully this will help with that. I hope it helps his confidence as well because he gets so frustrated so easily. They both seem to be doing really well. Each week they get to try another skill. I've been impressed that they've already been up on the horse, parallel bars, and rings. Of course their favorite thing to do is to jump into the big foam block pit. (Really I want to run up to the spring board and jump into it too). The gymnastics world is completely new to me so I'm not really sure what we're getting into with this. This is not something I imagined I'd be doing with my boys. The boys are liking it and it will be nice to have some kind of physical activity to do over the winter. I will also be signing Cordelia up for the preschool kids class in the next session. She is just too much to handle for an hour and I think she will enjoy the things they do with the younger kids.