Saturday, December 6, 2008

Watching movies

Today the kids and I went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Since Rion is such an Indiana Jones fan we decided to watch The Goonies because that's basically Indiana Jones with kids. For the most part he watched the movie closely. The best part was at the beginning of the movie when the kids break the mom's statue. Rion was really watching what was going on and then they show a closeup of what the kids are trying to fix on the statue. We were all watching Rion and then he looked over at us with a priceless look. He looked at us like, "did you see what I saw?" I wasn't sure he was going to understand that part, but it was pretty evident that he did. There were a couple of other potty humor jokes that Rion really enjoyed. I really like that movie too so I may have to get it for our movie collection too.

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Dirty" jokes

While we were in Minneapolis, Grandpa taught Torii a new joke. He told it to me when we got home.
Torii: "Do you want to hear a dirty joke, mom?"
Me: (very concerned by the way) "Ummmmm, ok."
Torii: "A pig fell in the mud."

Torii told this joke at Thanksgiving so Andy told another.
Andy: "Do you want to hear a really dirty joke?"
Torii: "Yes!"
Andy: "Two pigs fell in the mud!"
Torii: "I'm going to tell Grandpa that joke!"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Dirty" words

I don't know what it is with boys, but they are born with a love of potty humor. Rion loves to say the word "poop" and says it all the time. This has been going on for a good couple of months and he still laughs hysterically every time he says it. The good news is that I have finally gotten him to stop saying poop all the time. The bad news is that he has replaced it with something else. The even worse news is it's my fault. Yesterday as I was about to walk out the door for work, Cordelia let out this monster fart and that of course made the boys laugh. "I think Cordelia has a poopy butt," Rion said. Just then Fred walked in the room and asked what was going on. "I think Cordelia might have a messy diaper," I said, "she just had a real juicy fart." So that's Rion's new favorite phrase. "Juicy fart." The house was filled with laughter today, but unfortunately it was always following that phrase.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas time again

Ahh, my favorite time of year.... when I can threaten the boys by telling them Santa won't visit our house if they don't behave.

Yesterday the boys and I put up the Christmas tree. They weren't going to help until I mentioned that they wouldn't get a sticker on the "help out" line of their chore chart. Then they wanted to help. I told the boys not to put any ornaments really low on the tree so little Miss Grabby won't get them. They were really good about it. The boys kind of faded towards the end and I had to finish the decorating. Which was fine because I had to decorate the top half of the tree anyway. Rion managed to break one ornament. I have a fridge ornament and the doors open. The light inside even comes on when the door opens. Rion was fascinated by it and broke the freezer door. The boys did a better job of decorating this year than last. There are still some areas where there is a bunch of ornaments all together, but that's ok. Our tree is kind of silly looking. The bottom part is bare, which isn't stopping Cordelia by the way and there are clumps of ornaments in spots. Still, I'm not changing it because the boys decorated it that way. They also set up the Christmas village. It's not how I would have set it up, but I still like the way it looks.

Today I wrapped a few presents. I thought Rion would guess his present right away, but hasn't yet. It's kind of hard to disguise the sound of Legos. He has come up with some very interesting guesses. It is driving both boys crazy not being able to open their presents. I know I will have to put up with the nagging for a few weeks yet, but I find a little joy in being able to torment them a little.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The new classics

After Thanksgiving dinner Nathan showed Rion a new game on the computer. It was called Turkey Shootout and you're a pilgrim who shoots turkeys. Rion played it a lot that night and wanted to play it again the next day. After playing turkey shootout he looked around the website and found some more games he now likes. I was in the living room when I heard the undeniable sound of Pac-Man. I ran over to the computer begging Rion to let me play. Amazingly he let me. Then he found Donkey Kong, which I wasn't ever really good at so I didn't make it much further than him. I haven't looked much on the website, but it looks like there is a lot of classic games to play.

Then this afternoon Torii and I went downstairs and dug out the Sega Dreamcast. We had found Fur Fighters the other day and I told him I was really far in that game so he wanted to see it. We have it for Playstation, but I never got as far on that one. Torii loves playing that game and he wanted to see some new levels. We got it hooked up and we even found the memory card so we were set. Torii loved seeing the new levels, but I had a hard time playing it. I could not believe how grainy it was compared to the Playstation. We were at 30 Rock games the other day and they have some Dreamcast games, but I wasn't sure our console even worked so I didn't buy anything. Rion has been playing Sonic the Hedgehog on that new website so I might have to go pick one of those games up. I wish our Super Nintendo worked too. I would love to play Mario Cart with the boys.