Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sick of being sick

Things are finally returning to normal around here. After having a four day weekend, the boys remained home for a few more days due to illness. I took Rion to the clinic and the doctor thought he more than likely had swine flu. I felt so dumb at the clinic because the nurse and then the doctor were asking me all the usual questions about when symptoms started and what his symptoms were. Some things I simply could not remember. I didn't even know what day it was. Between taking off days from work, the four day weekend and all three kids sick I couldn't remember who started what medicine when, who had the highest temperature, or when all of this started. In the end the doctor determined it was more than likely swine flu and that he was on the tail end of it, therefore he didn't need any medications. Rion did start to feel better by Wednesday afternoon. On Tuesday he laid in front of the TV all day and didn't move. The next day he was running around and arguing with Torii again so I knew he was better. He went back to school on Thursday and the teacher said he complained of still being sick. However, when we got home he was magically better. Besides not really wanting to go back to school I think he was pretty tired too. We are all suffering from a terrible cough that really comes on at night.

Torii had also been feeling pretty bad and he just went back to school today. I didn't take him to the clinic, but it's probably a good chance he had the flu as well. He was mad that he missed his class's pajama party yesterday and didn't want to go to school today either. I told him they were having a Halloween party, but he still didn't want to go. I told him his teacher missed him, but that didn't work either. Then I told him "A" and "B" probably missed him and he said "OK" and got dressed. I didn't hear either boy cough much last night so hopefully they are getting over being sick. Cordelia seems to have missed all this. I noticed her coughing a little yesterday and some today, but it isn't bad. Hopefully she can escape being really sick. I hope we are all feeling better really soon because we want to go trick or treating tomorrow and see that little Heidi who has been in town for a week and we haven't seen yet!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I have this really bad habit of saying "Oh, my God." I know I do it, but it's out of my mouth before I can even think. I notice it more now, because I routinely get busted by Torii. He's the "don't take the Lord's name in vain," cop around here. And he loves busting me. I've tried to stop, but it's hard. I guess Torii can keep on my case until I stop. The thing about Torii is that he really listens. Rion does his time in school, leaves, and doesn't talk about it. Torii absorbs it all and lets us know all about it too. We may have talked about not taking the Lord's name in vain, but I think it was after he learned about it in church school. Torii is also our prayer for dinner leader. Neither Fred nor I grew up in a house where a prayer was said before dinner and so we've never said it with our family either. Until Torii started busting us for that too. He makes sure we say a prayer before eating and he usually leads it. I still forget often, but he always reminds me.