Friday, August 8, 2008

Keeping Elmer's in business

Yesterday we picked up Rion's school supplies. The list was pretty normal. Crayons, markers, scissors, etc. He also needed glue. Eight sticks of glue. Oh, and a bottle of glue. Apparently they do a lot of gluing in Kindergarten. He also needs a pair of headphones which was something I never needed. Then again we didn't have classrooms full of computers. Remember Oregon Trail? That game rocked. If we were lucky the teacher would let us play it once a week. I also talked Rion into getting a cheap plain backpack. I'm going to see if iron-ons will work on it. I told him he could put anything he wanted to on it. He wants Tonka vehicles on it. The iron-ons probably won't work and I'll end up getting him another backpack. That's usually what happens. I try to save a little money, but it always ends up costing me more.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Soccer monster

During Rion's last soccer game last week, he hit heads with a player from the other side. At first both players just grabbed their heads and stood there. Then the player on the other team started to cry. Rion walked over to the boy and told him he was sorry. I don't know if the boy heard him, but he started walking over to the sideline. Then Rion started to cry. The coach made sure he was ok and then told him it wasn't his fault. Rion felt so bad. I told him too that it was just an accident, but he still felt bad. If he continues in sports, I'm sure there will be a lot more injuries.

I think Rion enjoyed his soccer season. It was fun to see how much he progressed through the summer. He likes to play soccer in the backyard now too. I think Torii is ready to join the team next summer already. He has a bit of an advantage because he's been playing with Rion in the backyard. Rion hadn't played much soccer at all before he was on organized soccer. I think Rion will want to play again so it will be fun to watch both boys play.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Why so serious?

I took Cordelia to the dentist this morning and not much can be done. Hopefully the tissue grabs back onto the tooth and holds it into place. If it gets looser or infected then it will have to be pulled. I have to really watch her today to make sure the tooth doesn't fall out and she swallows it. This isn't how I wanted to spend the day, but it is nice to have another day off of work. She's sleeping now and I have bars baking and I'm blogging. A very nice Monday indeed.

The blog seems to be a little serious lately, so back to the funny... (I saw the new Batman last week so I stole the Joker's line for the post title).

Yesterday the boys spent all morning playing with each other and they were playing nicely. They must have been sick. Fred and I were in the living room listening when we heard this conversation:
Torii: I love you Fred Rion. (Ahhhhs, from parents)
Rion: Why? (Laughter from parents)
Torii: Because you teach me so much. (Ahhhhs again).
Torii is such a toughie, but he's so sweet too. He may grow up to be one of those Harley riders with all the leather gear, but sleeps with a teddy bear at night.

On Saturday I asked Torii what he wanted to do that day. "Let's go to Grandpa and Grandma's house," he said. They were at a reunion that day so I told him they were at a party. He responded, "Why I'm not invited?"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another medical post

We found out a little more about Torii's arm, although I am now filled with a hundred other questions. We now know he has a rare disorder called Dyschondrosteosis. One of the bones in his arm is shorter than the other. It is an inherited disorder although I don't know anyone in my family that has suffered from it. It can happen in the legs or arms. However, I was born with an indentation in my sternum, but from the reading that doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. It seems weird that we both would have a bone disorder. This disorder is so rare that there isn't much information out on it. Of course, no doctors in the state have experience with it so we would have to go down to the cities and talk to a doctor there about it. It doesn't seem to be real serious. It may affect him some if he plays sports or depending on what type of work he goes into. We don't have to make a decision anytime soon on it. It is frustrating not knowing more about the disorder and what can be done, if anything, about it. I feel bad for the little guy, but once again am thankful that it doesn't seem to be anything very serious. Fred is upset about it. I think he is afraid our son will have a disability for the rest of his life. I told him not to worry about. Jim Abbott is missing a hand and he won 87 games in the majors, including a no-hitter. I guess that's one of the many ways we are different. He goes straight to the negative and I try to see the positive.

Back to one tooth?

Tonight I was planning on having a nice relaxing evening. Cordelia was getting tired so I started to get her ready for bed. As I threw her diaper away I heard a crash followed by crying. Cordelia was sitting by an overturned chair and blood was dripping down her shirt. I picked her up and one of her bottom teeth was bent and pointing at me. The tooth went back into place and we quickly got to the ER. As I figured, there isn't much to be done. I will, however, be sleeping in her room tonight. I'm so scared that tooth will come loose and she'll swallow it. I have already called work to tell them I won't be in tomorrow so I can get her to a dentist. One of the concerns is where it broke. My sister had an accident when she was very young and it affected her permanent tooth. Maybe the dentist can tell if this will be the same for Cordelia. I cannot believe this happened to Cordelia. The boys are so rough and I have never rushed to the ER with them. My little girl just wanted to pull herself up on the chair she always pulls up on and she gets hurt. If the tooth falls out she'll look kind of funny. I'll just tell everyone she's a hockey player.