Friday, December 25, 2009


Today we were housebound as a major storm blew through. There is no travel advised in pretty much all of North Dakota. The interstates and highway 83 are closed. While the weather is frightful, it is kind of nice for us, because Fred doesn't have to go to work tonight. It's unusual to have him home on both Christmas Eve and Christmas. He usually has to go in for one or the other. The weather probably messed up a lot of people's plans, but fortunately we had our family get together last night. We went to my parent's house and enjoyed some good food, family and for the kids-presents. Today we had no plans but to stay in and play with all our new toys. The fridge is filled with leftovers and snacks and the kids were entertained by all their new things so we didn't mind the blizzard. Now it needs to clear up so my sister and her fiancee can make it here and it'll all be good. The kids decorating sugar cookies, which is always a fun mess. I use my mom's tip: Cut out lots of bells and stars. They are the easiest to decorate! I also found a couple of extra large Santa and snowman cookie cutters which I used. They used up a lot of dough so we didn't have a whole lot of cookies to decorate. The only problem was that the kids picked out two of the big cookies for Santa. After eating all evening I really didn't want to eat them, but I would have felt bad just throwing them away.
Cordelia got a stroller for Christmas, which Heidi was insanely jealous over. Kelly-I guess you know what to get Heidi for her birthday!

Rion spent most of his day playing with his new Lego set from Santa. He helped put much of it together, which should help with his fine motor skills. He didn't need much help from me. He just has a mind for stuff like that. He's a builder.
Between the Wii and Torii's Bakugan video game Cordelia didn't have any TV time. She got a new SpongeBob DVD so I let her watch it on the portable in her room. She also got the cat in the picture from Santa.
Torii playing his new Bakugan game. Now maybe I won't have to play pretend Bakugan Battles with him.
We had a very enjoyable Christmas and we hope everyone else did as well!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Church school program

On Sunday the boys had their Christmas program for church school. The boys got to dress up as shepherds and the girls got to be angels. First the kindergartners and preschoolers sang some songs. Torii sang so loud I could pick his voice out of the group. I'm sure the music director reminded the kids beforehand to sing really loudly as they usually aren't that loud.

Rion kept playing with his shepherd's hat and had it completely messed up by the end of the program. He has also lost another tooth since this picture. I really don't know how the kid can eat anything with that many teeth missing.

Doesn't she look sweet? This sweet little thing has really been trying my patience lately. It's like she's two or something.