Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don't listen to me

Today we had a couple of graduation open houses to go to. One was at a hotel and the boys got to go swimming. The pool at this hotel had a really nice area for little kids. There was also a small tube slide for the kids to go down. I told them right away to watch for kids at the bottom and not to go down until they were out of the way. They were so good and waited patiently on top for the kids to move before going down. After we had been there for awhile a group of kids came over and also started to play in the pool. One kid about Torii's age, maybe younger, went down the slide. Rion waited for the kid to move, but he wouldn't. Rion looked away and when he looked down again, the kid was gone so he went down. Well, this kid had gone back into the tube and started to climb up the slide so Rion ran right into him. Luckily, the kid was ok. I had to reassure Rion that it was ok because he looked at me like he had done something wrong. Everything was fine for a little bit, then this group of kids all started to climb up the slide. The parents meanwhile stood on the sides with their beers in their hands saying nothing. The boys were waiting and waiting to go down, but waited until it was clear. Finally I had enough so I told the boys we were going to take a break. Torii wanted to go one more time so I told both of them to go once more. Again they waited and waited on top. Fred went over to the kids at the bottom of the slide and told them they would have to move so our boys could go down. Some of them moved, but when the others didn't they once again sat at the bottom and started climbing up. The boys waited almost 10 minutes so they could go down the slide. One of the parents finally said something. I was so mad. I don't want any kids to get hurt, but I so wanted the boys just to go down the slide and plow into all those kids. Torii actually did run into an older kid (who should have known better) on his last run and he was really close to tears. He thought he was going to get in trouble, but I had to reassure him it was ok too. For once I actually didn't want them to listen to me, but they were perfect. I was so proud of them. I know my boys act up a lot, but there are times like today when I see how good they are and they make me so proud. Sometimes I don't feel like it, but today was proof I must be doing something right.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Three is a good number

Apparently two blogs just isn't enough for me so I started another one. Here's the link:

For the past month or so I've been too busy so I haven't been able to devote much time to my business. I've been wanting to set up a blog to hopefully help promote it some more. Well, I finally got around to it tonight. I really should be in bed, but I'm having too much fun playing with the new blog.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I came home today to a quiet house. Cordelia was asleep and the boys were gone. I am still waiting for the boys to come home and I don't know what to do with myself. I already watched a movie, which I haven't done in a long time. I mean watch a movie that wasn't animated. I've checked my email and surfed some on the Internet. Cordelia and I also went to Wal-mart and had a nice shopping experience without the boys. Now I don't know what to do. I should be doing dishes or something, but without the boys here and Cordelia sleeping I really want to enjoy myself. When I'm busy I can think of a hundred things I would like to do if only had the time, but now that I do, I can't think of a single one.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Girls and boys

I was just watching something about George Lucas on the Biography channel. It said he has a daughter from his marriage, but years after his divorce he adopted another daughter. He wanted a third daughter, but his girls wanted a brother. So he adopted a boy. Then he was seen with his son on the set of a movie and Lucas said, "It is nice to have someone around who understands explosions."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tell me about yourself.....

For the past three weeks I have been preparing for today's job interview. One question I always hate is "Tell me a little about yourself." It seems like an easy question, but I have a hard time with it. The number one thing about myself is that I'm a mother. But then what do I say? Sometimes I feel like I have lost myself because I am so busy being a working mother and a wife. And what else do I say that is interesting enough to say? I know there is a lot of interesting things about myself, but for the life of me I can't think of a single one in an interview. So I rehearsed for this question over and over so I would be ready today. So the question came up, but with a twist. "Tell us something about yourself that is not in your resume or your portfolio or something that we don't already know about you." I was being interviewed by people that I have know for over five years. Everything I had prepared to say was already in my resume or portfolio. Lucky for me something popped in my head, and for this question, for once, I did alright.


When Sarah Jessica Parker runs through the streets of New York City it looks glamorous. When it happens in real life, not so glamorous. This morning I worked and then had an interview at headquarters in town after lunch. I left work a little early so I could get ready and grab something to eat before the interview. After eating my lunch the drama began. My car would not start. I tried several times and nothing. Lucky for me I wasn't far from my desintation, but with 15 minutes until I had to be there I had to run. I had to run across State Street and along Century Ave in my nice business clothes and clutching my business folder. I was also on the phone (I hate my cell phone, but I was so happy I had it today) calling my husband to get my car and calling work telling them I might be a few minutes late. I am totally out of shape so I arrived at my interview red in the face and out of breath. At least we had a good conversation starter.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The bedtime routine

I thought the kids had been outside enough today that when it came to bedtime they would crash. But no, they were full of energy when they went to bed. They sleep in the same bed because neither one likes the top bunk so they both sleep on the bottom. Tonight they would not settle down and were horsing around. I went in there and began counting to three. As soon as I said "One!" the boys seperated and went to their side of the bed. Rion closed his eyes and started making snoring sounds. There were no more get to bed speeches from me at that moment because I had to leave immediately so he wouldn't hear me laugh.