Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nailed it

Last month I said the only thing from my childhood that hasn't been brought back is the A-Team. Then I said, well, maybe they're working on the movie right now.

I'm so good.

Can you hear me now?

The kids talk nonstop. On and on and on all day long. It's enough to make anyone go crazy. On Easter my dad asked how I put up with it all day. Well, I've come up with a perfect explanation. (And it only took me three days). It's just like talking to my mother-in-law. I nod like I'm listening and then throw an uh-uh in every once in awhile. I just have to be careful not to agree to ice cream for supper again.

Growing up too fast

Rion got Ben 10 Season One from the Easter Bunny. It's not my favorite thing he likes. In fact he is starting to like more and more things that I don't like. And he's not liking the preschool shows anymore. Today he told me hated Little Bill. Who hates Little Bill? I've been lucky in that the kids haven't really gotten into anything that I couldn't stand like Teletubbies or Barney. I guess it helps to have multiple cartoon channels. But that's all starting to change. I should start praying now that Cordelia will never ever be a Hannah Montana fan.

Did the Easter bunny come?

The day before Easter, the kids were complete animals. They were so wild. At bedtime they still wouldn't settle down. I kept telling them that the Easter Bunny wouldn't come if they didn't get to sleep. Finally they fell asleep. After hiding all the eggs, I put out their Easter baskets. Since the kids sometimes get up in the middle of the night, I put the baskets in the space between the recliner and couch. I could imagine them getting up at 2am, seeing the baskets and then running into my room so they could watch the new movies that were left in their baskets. Plus they would get into the candy and I really didn't want a kid on a sugar high at 2 in the morning. So I had the baskets kind of hidden and I was going to pull them out when I got up in the morning. Morning came. Fred came home from work and found me still in bed and Rion at the kitchen table. Rion was sitting there staring out into space. "The Easter Bunny didn't come," he said. "Are you sure," Fred asked. "Yes," Rion gloomily replied. Even though he probably didn't deserve treats from the Easter Bunny, I felt sorry for him. I wonder what he thought when he woke up and thought the Easter Bunny hadn't come at all.