Monday, April 12, 2010


I haven't even posted my Easter pictures yet. We had a good Easter. Dinner ended up being at our house because my parents lost their electricity in the Good Friday storm. It still wasn't on yet on Saturday so we decided to do it at our house. Our neighbor brought over cookies for the kids. Even though they were already loaded up on sugar, they had no problem devouring the cookies.

Cordelia figured out the baskets pretty quick. She knew the place to be was parked in among all the baskets. The kids also hunted for eggs in the morning. The boys were up bright and early, but I made them wait until Cordelia got up. We hid over 50 eggs! They each had a bagful. I thought I would find random eggs for the next few days, but they must have found them all because I haven't seen anymore.
This must have been before Easter because the floor is still clean! (And Kelly and Laurie-it took dad less than a minute to complain about the Easter grass in our house on Easter).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In the kitchen

Cordelia likes to help me in the kitchen. She is the "dumper", meaning she dumps all the measured ingredients into the bowl. Today we made some whole wheat buttermilk pancakes after Sunday School. She looked so cute in her dress and mixing the ingredients, I just had to take a picture. Of course, she made a big mess as she usually does, but I love my little helpers in the kitchen.