Friday, October 17, 2008

Pop culture references

This cartoon was from a Reader's Digest. I've had it taped to the computer desk for awhile, but just got around to scanning.
I've also heard some other funny references on TV lately. The first comes from Spaceballs the Animated Series. After Scroob tells Lonestar his plan he says, "so what are you going to do about it?" Lonestar replies- "I'm going to blog about it! Then my family and friends and God willing 12 other people will read about it."

The second is from The Big Bang Theory. Not about blogging, but my other online addiction. The girl next door became addicted to an online game and is constantly bugging Sheldon with questions. Sheldon is so frustrated that she won't leave him alone. At one point he says, "I even changed my Facebook status to Sheldon can't get Penny to leave him alone."

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Cordelia had a wonderful first birthday. She wasn't really sure about the cake. It took a little prodding before she started to dig into it. When she figured out how good it was, then she really got into it. By the time she was done she had a full beard of frosting. She got mad when I took the cake away and gave her a bath. I think there's still a couple of frosting marks on the tub from her trying to get out. Grandpa and Grandma also came by to watch the big event. After getting cleaned up, Cordelia opened presents. The boys were really good about trying to show her how to rip the paper off. She could have cared less so I let the boys do it for her. It was eating at Torii all day long. He knew what was in the presents from us and he couldn't wait to open them. He did rip one open while I was making dinner. Then he was so excited when the gifts were opened. Cordelia got new toys, but really so did the boys. Rion really liked the bowling game from Grandpa and Grandma. Of course, he invented new ways to use the pins. This morning the boys were eating breakfast when I noticed Cordelia standing up beside Torii and looking up at him. Both Rion and Torii had one of Cordelia's new toys and Cordelia had a look on her face like, "those are my toys." I tried to tell the boys those toys are for babies, but they still want to play with them.

Running into friends

Now that Rion is in school it's weird to see his social circle expanding. We keep running into his classmates while we are doing errands. It's just different to see him say "hi" to someone I don't know.

Another funny thing from school last week- as we were leaving, two girls from Rion's class saw him leaving. In unison they both said, "Hiiiiiii, Freeeeed." Oh great, the girls already like him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday baby!

One year ago today I became a mom for the third time, but a first time mom to a daughter. The third baby is definitely different. I am way more relaxed with her and so is Fred. And being the only girl I think she may get her way more than the boys. Especially with daddy. She has been such an easy baby. Except for the time she broke her tooth. And this last nasty cold she has been fighting. Really she has been an easy baby. I'm not sure if it's because we are more relaxed as parents or because she is a girl. But she's been a delight in our life and I look forward to everyday with her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shopping with kids

Everytime I tell the boys we have to go to Wal-Mart Rion asks if I have to get a lot of things. The last couple of trips have been good because I've had short lists. Even so, we still spend an hour there. The kids want to see the fish, then the toys, then the video games and now the Halloween decorations. They spend more time shopping then I do. As soon I we are done looking at their things, it's off to get the groceries. Then they whine the entire time that they want to go home, they're done shopping. I've tried to explain to them that we would already be on our way home had we not stopped to look at all the things they wanted to look at to no avail. It's like a reoccurring nightmare that I can't wake up from.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Shopping with style

Today I was really bummed. We had to make a trip to Wal-Mart and I forgot my tote bags at home so I had to use plastic. I was being creative this weekend and wanted to use my new bags. A couple of weeks ago I bought some plain reusable grocery totes at Hobby Lobby. I finally got around to doing something with them this weekend. For two of the bags I made a stencil and then painted them. They turned out pretty nice. I wasn't sure what kind of design I wanted on the third. Then the lightbulb went off. I handed the tote and some markers to Rion and told him to put whatever he wanted on it. He drew on both sides and wrote his name on it too. Now I have his artwork on my tote. I will have to pick up some more totes the next time I am at Hobby Lobby. Torii has to make one for me too.