Saturday, August 8, 2009

More vacation pics

The first place we visited when we got into the cities was the zoo. It was really fun to see animals that we don't have at our zoo. The really nice thing was that our local zoo membership worked there. We still spent a lot of money on food and souvenirs. I had forgotten how big the Minnesota Zoo was and by the end of our visit the kids were getting a little grumpy. Cordelia actually fell asleep in the car while we were in the drive thru to bring back some food to the hotel. The Minnesota Zoo has a new playground which is really nice. I'm not sure what Rion's doing, but he kind of looked like an explorer. He's standing next to the playground's version of Split Rock Lighthouse.
Torii and Cordelia on the other side of the lighthouse.

Torii after testing out the zoo's cotton candy.

After the game we hit up Nickelodeon Universe and the Mall of America. If you look at Cordelia's feet you'll notice she only has one shoe on. About five minutes later, I noticed she had no shoes on. The girl loves shoes, but she also loves taking them off. I made somewhat of an attempt to find them, but ended up buying a new pair at The Children's Place which was conveniently located near Legoland.
Rion was in heaven in Legoland. I don't think he wanted to leave. He was amazed at everything. When we got back to the hotel we were talking to a couple outside that had gone to the game. Then a boy with a huge Legoland bag walked by and Rion could tell it was Star Wars set inside. Poor guy. We didn't get anything at Legoland.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last game at the dome

In 1988, I saw my first Twins game at the Metrodome. Every summer after that my family went to at least one game every summer. I always hoped to keep up that tradition, but college and the everyday busyness of life stopped that. Suddenly I realized that Rion is now six and since he's been born we've only been to one Twins game and that wasn't at the Dome. With time ticking down until the new stadium opens, I knew I had to get the kids to the Dome. It's been years since I've been to a game as well so I wanted to go to one final game there. We finally got down there last Sunday. The game was a blowout, but we still had fun. The kids were great, even Cordelia, who I didn't think would let me watch much, let alone the whole game. I am so thankful to the kids for letting me enjoy as much as the Dome as we could. I used to love the Dome, but since visiting some other ballparks, I'm glad to see it go. Still, I had a hard time leaving knowing that was my last baseball game there. This was the place that I saw Puckett, Hrbek, Hunter, Knoblauch, Mauer, Morneau, and countless others play. This was the place where I saw back-to-back jacks by Puckett and Hrbek. This was the place I got my closest shot at a foul ball when a Bo Jackson foul hit the seat in front of me. This was the place I sat with this guy I was dating named Fred, behind Dick Bremer and Bert Blyleven, for a special TV broadcast in the home run porch seats in hopes McGwire would hit one out. It was on the Dome's Plaza that I watched Kirby's press conference announcing he would never play baseball again. And it was the place that my family journeyed to each summer to indulge the only baseball fan in the family. I have so many great memories of that place and I got to add one more by bringing my own kids there. I am determined to not let six more years go by before seeing another Twins game. I hope our family will be able see a game every summer. I know the kids didn't enjoy the game as much as I did. The game was more for my benefit than for anyone else. I do hope they become baseball fans and enjoy our yearly pilgrimage to the cities to see mommy's favorite team. And even if they go astray and root for the Yankees, I'll still be happy knowing they are baseball fans.

We took the light rail transit to and from the game. We picked it up at the Mall of America and then got dropped off right in front of the Dome. It was cheaper then parking around the Dome and we didn't have to hassle with the traffic. Plus we planned on going to the mall after the game anyway. It did take longer than driving since there was 13 stops, but it was worth it. The boys were excited about riding on a train.

Torii had to have some ice cream at the game and Rion had a snow cone. Torii also had to have some cotton candy. He saw the guy with cotton candy two sections over and wanted it right then. We told him we would get some when he came by. "But he's right there!" Torii kept telling us. Fred eventually had to get up and Torii went with to get his cotton candy.

This was towards the end of the game. I think he was really bored, but he was on his best behavior. He was told he would not get to go to Nickelodeon Universe after the game if he acted up.

This is when we first left the mall and were on the way to the game.

Fred bought Cordelia a pink Mauer shirt at the game. She was getting really tired by the end of the game, but I had blankie with so she grabbed it and put her head on the chair. I think she would have fallen asleep if the game had gone a little longer.