Sunday, October 7, 2007

What's so funny?

Tonight we went out for supper and on the way home the boys starting making goofy sounds and giggling. "I farted," they would say after making these noises. They thought it was so funny. I kind of groaned and Fred said, "Not even any training." It's true. They just naturally think this is funny. No one taught them to laugh at bodily noises or even to imitate them for a laugh. They just do it. I thought I was doing a good job by teaching them to say excuse me anytime they burped or passed gas, and a lot of the time they do say that. Other times they laugh uncontrollably.

Rion also likes to play on the computer and he was on one of his preschool websites he likes playing a game. In this game there was a picture of a house with different rooms and at the bottom were different objects that he could place in the house. So he put the vase of flowers on a table, books on a shelf and so on. After awhile, Torii came over to look at what he was doing and they started laughing real hard. After listening in on their conversation I found out that they were still placing objects in the house, but now they were having fun putting the kitty in the toilet. Why are boys' brains wired like this?