Friday, December 21, 2007


Today Torii was asking Fred about the ring on his hand. Fred was telling him mommy gave that to him when we got married. Torii said he didn't want to get married. We were talking about it some more and told him some day he might meet a girl that he would want to be with forever and he might want to marry her. Then he came up to me and said he wanted to marry me.

Candid camera

Today I decided to charge up the video camera for the holidays. I always forget about it and don't use it much. After it was charged I started watching the tape that was in it. Apparently the only time we use the video recorder is for Christmas. It started on two Christmases ago. Torii was a year old. He was very cute and very quiet. He was a ham even then and a lot of the video is of him. The house also looked so clean. There weren't many toys littering the floor. But that was two years ago and there has been many holidays and birthdays and just becauses that have filled our house with so much stuff. I haven't finished the video yet, but I do know it ends with last year's Christmas. And of course it will continue with this year's Christmas.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Too loud!

I keep thinking of more things related to the doctor's appointment today.

Cordelia had to have shots today. I felt so bad because she fell asleep while waiting for the nurses to come back in. (I really like the kids' pediatrician, but they are sooooo slow. There's nothing more fun than waiting with small children. Please note sarcasm.) My darling Cordelia was awaken when they poked her with two shots. She started to wail like I've never heard her before. Then I looked over at Torii and he was standing there with his hands over his ears.

Tag along

Today Torii had to come with for Cordelia's doctor appointment. He came along on her first visit too and I couldn't figure out why he wanted to go so bad. I tried to tell him that the doctor's office wasn't going to be any fun, but he insisted on going. When we got to the clinic he went and played with the toys in the waiting room and was so good. Then the nurse called for Cordelia and I thought I would have to drag Torii away from the toys, but he came along without a struggle. As soon as we got into the doctor's office I found out why he wanted to come with. He sat down and asked for cookies. The doctor has a cookie jar in the room filled with the little packs of McDonalds cookies and he always gives the boys some at the end of the visit. So the nurse gave him a pack of cookies for being so good. When the doctor came in Torii asked for more cookies. I told him he already had some, but the doctor said he had a special treat for him. Since it was just before Halloween, Torii got a bag of candy also. If I got chocolate every time I went to the doctor I would look more forward to going too!

Off the charts

Cordelia had her 2 month check up today. She is 23 inches long which is in the 75th percentile. She weighs 13 1/2 pounds, which the nurse officially wrote down as being about the 95th percentile. Why? Because her weight for her age was truly off the charts. I knew she was chubby, but holy cow! And to think when we first brought her home from the hospital I was worried that she wasn't eating enough.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mama don't let your babies grow up to be....

I will always be proud of my kids no matter what. They could drop out of school to be rodeo clowns and I would still be proud and support their decision. I just hope my kids never ever become Yankees fans.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Today I made some cookies and let the kids lick the beaters. When Torii was done with his he came back into the kitchen asking for more cookie dough. I kept telling him no and he kept asking. Then he said, "Let's play hide and seek. Hide here (showing me the laundry room) and see what happens." I told him I knew what would happen, but he kept telling me to leave and see what happens.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


About midnight last night Torii wanted a drink of milk. I told him he had a glass in the fridge. So he left and got his drink. All of a sudden I heard "Mom! Mom!" and his little feet running the length of the house. He was running over toys and when he made it into my room he tripped on either a toy or his own feet and landed next to the bed. "Mom!" he said, "It was dark. I heard something." I was laughing so hard, but trying to comfort him at the same time. He crawled into bed with me and I rubbed his back and told him not to be scared of anything. Then it got quiet and I started to laugh again. Just picturing him running through the house in the dark made me laugh. The whole thing reminded me of an old slapstick comedy where he can't get away fast enough from whatever it is that is chasing him. I tried really hard not to laugh at him because I was trying to comfort him, but every time it got quiet I couldn't help but laugh.