Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back in the swing of things

The boys are now into their first full week of school. Torii is already complaining about not wanting to go to school each morning. He said he liked kindergarten better. Rion is doing great getting ready for school in the morning, but we have fought with him over homework already. Personally, I don't think a second grader should have homework, but that's me. It's not much, but it's enough to complain about. And Cordelia hates that she can't go to school with her brothers and then fights me about going to Grandma's house. Thank goodness we have a long weekend coming up is all I can say.

The boys have said they are liking school. Torii is happy he can order a salad at lunch now. Kindergartners weren't allowed to order a salad. So far he's had salads twice for lunch. Rion doesn't talk much about school, but I think he likes it. He's just bummed that they don't start multiplication until third grade. Sheesh, by then he might be into long division.

The kids also started gymnastics again on Monday. I'm really liking the Monday class. I haven't run out of steam yet on Monday. They previously had class on Thursday and by that point in the week I was ready to do nothing but veg out in front of the TV. Cordelia gets to be in the preschool class now which is super awesome for me. I don't have to supervise her in class anymore so that means a free hour for me. I was worried how she would do, but she did great. I thought that maybe she would listen to the teachers better than she listens to me and I was right. She still ran around a little bit, but not like she did with me around. She would run around and never want to do the task the class was doing. She did great listening to the teachers on Monday. She even sat down on the line when she was told too! I was impressed.