Saturday, July 5, 2008

But I just got up!

Rion fell asleep early tonight because he stayed up so late last night. Usually when he falls asleep early he's down for the night. Just as I was getting Torii ready for his bath, Rion woke up. I asked him if he wanted to go in the bath too. "Why," he asked. "It's time for bed," I said. He looked up at me with sad eyes and whined, "Again?"


I wasn't going to buy any fireworks this year, thinking the boys are still too young for that sort of thing. I don't know what I was thinking. Of course they would like fireworks. It's something you light on fire, makes a loud noise and explodes. Auntie Vicki gave the boys some money for fireworks so we picked some up yesterday. We got a variety of things. I haven't bought fireworks in so long I didn't really know what to get. I did get four boxes of snaps, which were a big hit. At first I held the snaps in my hand, but then the boys started grabbing at the snaps so fast they made me nervous. I thought they were going to explode them all in the palm of my hand. The other big hit was the parachutes. The wind was perfect. I lit them on the road and then the parachutes floated into the yard and the boys chased them until they landed. We had a few night fireworks which the boys also liked. Next year I will have to get a bunch more. They were disappointed that we didn't have any more to shoot off.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I work in an office that doesn't get a lot of foot traffic. I used to turn on the radio because it gets so quiet. Lately, however, I haven't turned on the radio. And it is really nice. It is so quiet. Today I could hear birds chirping outside. At home, the TV is always on, the computer is usually on, and the kids are yelling. It drives me nuts. It's so nice to be at work and be able to hear my own thoughts. Some people don't know how I can stand the quiet all day, but with three kids at home, it's easy.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Shop til mommy drops

The other day I had to go shopping with all three kids. I love the Wal-Mart Supercenter because I can get just about anything there in one stop. We did have to go there, but first we had to go to Target. I had to pick up one thing that was only available there and I had to get it that day. I love Target, but don't go there very often anymore. The new location is so stupid. The parking lot is such a mess, that I find I don't go there just to avoid having to drive through that lot. Target is in the mall, but I can't remember the last time I went shopping at the mall either. So we went to Target, got my item and left. Torii was extra grouchy that day and was mad that we weren't getting a cookie at Target. Torii likes to shop with me and when it's just the two of us, we get a cookie there. As we were leaving Target, Rion spotted the big red balls they have in front of the store. Most people see the red balls as a decorative piece, but my boys see something to climb on. Rion ran towards it, giving me a near heart attack as I watched him run towards the street. He dove on top of the ball as I then pictured him falling off and cracking his head on the cement. I should have just gave up on the Wal-Mart trip and ordered pizza for supper. Happily, they were pretty good at Wal-Mart. Cordelia, who should fuss the most on shopping trips, is always the best behaved. While getting groceries, she let out a happy shriek. Until then I had forgotten she was even with.