Friday, November 30, 2007


In college when ever you met someone new one of the first questions that was asked was "what is your major." I always thought this was annoying and considered just introducing myself as "Hi, my name is Stacy, and I'm majoring in communications." But then the next question would be, "what are you going to do with a communications major."

When you have a baby it's the same thing, just different questions. Next time I'm out with Cordelia and I see a woman look over and smile I'll just blurt out, "she's a month old," before she even has time to ask. No actually I won't do that because I want my baby to be noticed. Because after that first question is out of the way, the woman will usually say, "Ohhh, she's so cute." Then I get to say, "I know."

Mom moments

On the sister's blog I just wrote about having a mom moment when baking a pie today. I was referring to my mom who is often the butt of jokes when it comes to forgetting things in the microwave. But then I thought about it a little bit and thought a mom moment could refer to all moms. Fred was telling me a story today about a woman at a gas station who was freaking out because she couldn't find her credit card. Long story short she found it in her coffee. I told him she must be a mom. Now some people would call that woman absentminded, but a mom could easily do something like that. We are responsible for so much it's amazing half of all the things we do gets done. As I was thinking about it a mom moment is pretty much like a senior moment. Mom moment sounds better though, so that's what I'll start calling all those little mishaps that happen every day.