Thursday, February 21, 2008

I totally understand

It's so nice to talk to other moms and hear them talk about the same things I am experiencing. I love the times when another mom will say something about being a mom and I can competely understand where she is coming from. It's nice to hear someone thinks about the same things as I do. About a month ago I read or heard a quote from Halle Berry. She said something to the effect that at some point in your pregnancy you realize that the baby has to come out. I thought that was so funny, because I totally had the same thought. The first part of your pregnancy you are so happy that you are pregnant and the birth seems like such a long ways away. Then one day you suddenly realize that no matter what, that baby has to come out. And when you look at the options, natural birth or c-section, the options aren't that great.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Yesterday Cordelia had her 4 month checkup. She weighs 15 lbs, 12 ounces (90th percentile) and is 24 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). She was doing really good until the doctor came into the room. Then she started crying. I have never heard her cry like this before. She did not like him. After he checked her out he told me just to turn her so she couldn't see him. She kept moving her head and squirming trying to look back at him. She must have been thinking, "I know he's still there. You're not fooling me." After he left it still took some time to calm her back down. The only thing I could figure is that the doctor has a mustache like Grandpa and she doesn't always like Grandpa. Whatever it was she was not happy. I think she cried less when she got the shots.

Torii of course had to come with. He wanted his cookies again as soon as we got into the doctor's office. I told him he had to sit quiet and not ask for them. He asked me why and I explained to him that it wasn't nice to ask. To my surprise he sat there quietly the whole time and at the end the doctor gave him a little bag of Teddy Grahams.

It was really cold yesterday with the wind so we tried out the valet service at the clinic. It was so nice. We can never find a close parking spot so it was nice to drive up and let them park the car. It's also free so that's extra nice. When we left they were really busy and had to wait for a little bit. There were a lot of other parents doing the same thing we did. It was just way too cold to have little ones out for too long.


I was talking to someone at work today and the conversation went from turning in credit cards receipts to commercials to Will Ferrell to Talladega Nights to teaching kids "Shake and Bake." He said his brother taught his kids how to do "shake and bake." I said it's so fun to teach little kids things like that. They're a blank slate and you can teach them what ever you want. Of course, there's a lot of responsibility that comes with this too, but for now I'm just talking about having some fun with the kids. "Shake and Bake" is funny, but it's 10 times better when a little kid does it. And if you laugh at it, they are just going to do it more so they like it too. Fred brought home an old shirt of his from his recent trip to Tenn and gave it to Rion. It has this crazy looking skeleton on it and he is playing guitar and it says,"Rock is king" or something like that. Rion looked like a little punk with it on so I taught him to stick out his tongue and stick out his pinkie and pointer finger. I'm sure it's called something, but I'm too old to know what it's called so I hope you know what I'm talking about. Anyway he looked like a hangbanger at rock concert. I did try to teach Torii to say "How you doin?" like Joey on Friends, but it never caught on. He likes girls so much I thought it would be funny.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Shopping carts

I just have a little vent about shopping carts. I hate most of them. They are absolutely not family friendly. My beef has to do mostly with having room for a baby. And I mean having room in the cart for a baby in the car seat. A lot of stores have carts with a seat already attached, but this doesn't work if you have a very small baby, a sleeping baby or it's winter. It's really cold out now so I don't take Cordelia out of her seat when she bundled up so nicely in it. So sometimes I have to haul her around in the car seat because the cart is too small for the seat. I've got strong arms now, but my back is killing me. I also plan shopping trips around naptime. In that case I don't take her out of the car seat either. Kohls is nice enough to have a cart where you can place a car seat in it. The problem is they only have one. When was the last time you went somewhere and only saw one baby? Doesn't happen very often. Then there are stores like Best Buy. You can barely get one kid in the cart because their carts are actually half a cart. So there are a lot of stores that I only go to when I am alone. That doesn't happen very often so I don't shop at those stores often. That's fine, I'll spend my money else where.

Shopping with Torii

Yesterday Torii and I ran to Target to get some film developed. While we were waiting for it to get done we went out to the mall. I wanted to take a look at Herbergers so we headed there. On the way we went by Hot Topic. "I don't like that store," Torii said, "It's too loud." Then as we were walking through Herbergers Torii was looking at all the manniquins. "I like that girl," he said. "I don't like that girl," he said of another manniquin. After looking at the kids' clothes I deceided to take a different route back to the mall. "I like that one," Torii said pointing at a manniquin. I looked over my shoulder and there we were in the middle of the lingerie department. Torii was pointing at a manniquin with a bra and panties on as a sales clerk walked by laughing hysterically.