Friday, November 28, 2008


This year marked a new milestone for me. I hosted Thanksgiving for the first time ever. It was a lot of hard work, but I think it turned out good. I also had a lot of help so that made it a lot easier. After eating way too much, everyone relaxed. We had to look through the ads to see what stores we were going to hit up on Friday. Then Torii, Rion, Nathan and I played Monopoly Jr. Meanwhile, many people were watching Christmas Vacation in the living room. Cordelia ate and ate and ate. (I weighed her tonight and according to my scale she's up to 20 pounds!) Towards the end of the night she seemed to get a little crabby and tired. After everyone left I got the boys settled down and then gave Cordelia a bottle. She drank it, but then got up and started crawling around again. She was in a great mood and didn't seem tired at all. Ten minutes later she crawled back up onto the couch and onto my lap and was out immediately. I've never seen her crash like that. It was a lot of work to host a big holiday dinner, but the end of the night was the best. We didn't have to load anything into the car. We didn't have to lug kids around. And then we didn't have haul sleeping kids into the house when we got home. That was worth all the hard work.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Tonight our neighbor stopped by. He gave me a card and we chatted a little. He didn't say much about the card, only "you'll know how we feel when you read it." Then he said Merry Christmas and Happy Thanksgiving and he left. For a moment I thought maybe we did something to tick the neighbors off and they wrote us a note about it. I was shocked when I opened the card. Our next door neighbors, along with another neighbor and some family members decided to help someone out this Christmas and that someone was us. They wanted to help us with expenses from Cordelia's surgery. Inside the card was some money. I would have went right over to their house upon reading this, but I was close to tears. We had to use money that we had set aside for Christmas while we were in Minneapolis so I have been really worried about the holidays. This will help so much. I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and my neighbors are one of them.