Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Big brother Rion

When Cordelia was born Rion pretty much denied her existence. Today he can't help but be aware of her existence as the two of them constantly bicker and fight. If Rion doesn't start an argument, Cordelia does. They know how to push each other's buttons and they do it often. I keep telling myself that deep down they really do love each other even if they never acknowledge it.

On Sunday as we were getting ready to leave church, Cordelia decided to have a monster tantrum. It started at church and continued all the way home. Nothing short of giving in and giving her what she wanted would end the tantrum so I ignored her and just rode it out. Rion, however, wasn't going to ignore her. Instead, he gave her a hug and in the sweetest voice told her that he had something to show her. He took her hand and brought her over to the computer to show her a game he was playing. Cordelia wasn't much interested in the game so she again sought me out to continue with her tantrum. Again, Rion came over to her, hugged her and talked to her in the sweetest voice I have heard come from his mouth. This boy that is regularly getting yelled out for his potty mouth and for his behavior towards his sister had taken a 180 turn and was now the sweetest boy on the planet.

After the tantrum subsided, I gave Rion a big hug. I told him he was a great big brother. I see this kind of sweetness from Torii on a regular basis and I know he'll always take care of his little sister, but seeing it from Rion is rare. Now I know that even if they get on each other's nerves, Rion will be there looking out for his sister and taking care of her. I couldn't help but watch as Rion tended to his little sister and feel extremely proud.