Monday, January 7, 2008

Screams like a girl

As I wrote the title I thought, "that would be a good name for Torii if he was Native American."

The other day he was playing with a toy and just started screaming. I thought he was hurt, but then we realized he was scared of a fly. He climbed on Fred's lap and was screaming for him to get the fly. He would not leave Fred's lap until he was sure the fly was gone.

Yesterday at Grandpa and Grandma's we kept throwing some of the cat's toys at Torii. We found out he is also scared of those. We were throwing them at him, putting them in his pocket, putting them down his shirt. We probably tramatized the poor kid.

My resolution

Last year was a big year. I turned 30 and a few weeks later had my third child. In the months leading up to my birthday and during my maternity leave, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about my life up to this point and yes, I was extremely happy. Still, I felt something was missing. That led to my new year's resolution. I spent my 20's saying I was going to (fill in the blank) whenever we had the money, the kids were in school or whatever else excuse I came up with. Last year I suddenly wondered what I was waiting for and as part of my resolution I wasn't going to wait anymore. There have been many times that I have thought about starting my own business, but this latest idea just wouldn't go away. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. So to fill in the space I felt was missing in my life I decided to start my own business. I've been researching, putting a plan together and also buying materials. I'm so excited and so scared too. It could be a huge success or it could be a huge bomb. I hope it's successful enough to live off of. Although I say I'm doing this for myself I feel like I'm also doing it for my kids. I want to make money and be at home with them. I also want them to be proud of me. When people ask them what their mom does I hope they can say, "She owns her own business."