Saturday, November 24, 2007

My favorite things

My list will be less impressive than Oprah's, but here's what I've discovered this past year that I like, can't live without, or makes my life easier. In no particular order:

1. Intuition razor I know this product has been around awhile, but I don't like change. I only tried it because I got a free sample and I absolutely love it. It's so easy and quick to use that it's perfect for busy moms. Now, unfortunately I don't have an excuse not to shave my legs. This will be the first winter in a long time (before I was married and had to impress) that I will have smooth legs.
2. Steve and Barry's I love this store. It's like Old Navy, but Walmart prices. And anything fashionable that is associated with Sarah Jessica Parker has to be good.
3. Blogging I wish I had more time for this because I'm addicted. I'm constantly writing down notes to myself for when I do have the time to blog.
4. Craftster I am addicted to this website. As soon as I'm done blogging I'll be checking out what's new there.
5. Retractable roof stadiums The game at Miller Park was so much fun. Since it was a cold spring day the roof was closed. I don't understand why Minnesota isn't getting one.
6. 3 in 1 cribs I bought a new crib for Cordelia that converts to a toddler bed and then a day bed for when is older. Another, why didn't I think of that product.
7. Charlie and Lola This is my favorite cartoon to watch with the kids. It's also the best thing to put on when I need to take a shower or have a few minutes alone.
8. America's Most Smartest Model I haven't watched reality TV in a couple of years, but this one is worth watching. Some of the models are really dumb, but surprise there are some really smart ones. The girls keep getting kicked off, which is good. That means the cute guys will be around for at least one more episode.