Monday, December 31, 2007

Mommy's undivided attention

Rion doesn't need naps anymore, but when he is tired he will lay down and take a nap. Yesterday was one of those days. He was tired so he took a nap with daddy. Since he took a nap I let him stay up later when Torii had gone to sleep for the night. Torii has done this a few times, but since it's been a really long time since Rion has napped during the day this was a first for him. He was so excited when I went into his room to tell him he could stay up late. I could hear it in his voice. He thought he was pretty cool too. I figured he would play on the computer, but instead he watched football with Fred and I. And he talked and talked and talked. I have never heard him talk so much in my life. Was this Rion or Torii? For the first time in a really long time Rion had my undivided attention without any distractions. I think he really enjoyed our together last night. I know I did. After the football game I let Rion watch one of his shows, then he went to sleep and I didn't hear another word from him. He is such a good kid. It was really nice to talk with Rion. The poor kid can't get a word in with Torii around.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The day after

Dec. 26th- It looked like a toy store had just exploded inside our house. Toys, toys, toys everywhere. Some were still in the boxes, others scattered everywhere. Some of the boxes had found their way to the trash bag that still stood in the living room. Other boxes were still out. Many of those annoying twist ties from the boxes were spotted everywhere. Thank goodness Cordelia isn't mobile yet. After Christmas I felt like we had just gotten back from vacation. I hadn't done any chores around the house for days and I was extremely tired. It took another two days for me to recover and start on any cleaning. Something to remember for next year: Contractor bags make cleanup a lot easier. They're so big. Our garbage man has his work cut out for him this week.

I had a very good Christmas this year and here's what I'll remember:
I was so excited for the boys this year. I felt like I did when I was young except instead of being excited about opening my own presents I was excited for the boys to open theirs. I couldn't wait to see their faces when they opened their gifts.
I had fun baking and making holiday treats with the boys. They helped cut out the sugar cookies and frost them later. Torii dumped a lot of sprinkles on his cookie. They also enjoyed putting sprinkles on the chocolate covered peppermint sticks.
The boys helped decorate the tree and wrap a couple of presents.
The boys learned to be charitable when they dropped change in the Salvation Army buckets. Even if it was just to get a candy cane from the volunteers.

Get your own

If you ask Torii if you can take Cordelia home with you this will be his reply: "No, you have to go to the hospital and get a baby."