Saturday, August 16, 2008

Baby news

Last night Kelly called with the news that they are expecting! Laurie is in town and was over for dinner when she called. The face Laurie gave me when I said "Congratulations" on the phone was hilarious! Kelly will be a first time mom and I get to be a first time aunt. Being a mom is great, but an aunt has some really great benefits. I can't wait to spoil that kid! I told Torii Auntie Kelly and Uncle Brian are going to have a baby and he'll have a cousin. He said he wants a girl cousin. Rion said he wants a boy cousin.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's there to eat?

I really didn't know what to title this post, but I know my mom hated it when we asked that all the time. The kids don't say that much yet, but Fred does. This question gets dirty looks as well as "I'm hungry."

My tastes have gotten more sophisticated the older I've gotten. I hated vegetables as I kid. Lately, I've discovered how much I love spinach and brussell sprouts. And I hated chili too. Way too many beans. Now I love beans, especially black beans. As much as I love to try new foods and recipes, I could still eat kid's food everyday. Pizza, mac and cheese, hot dogs. Yummy! Here's a new recipe I tried the other that was a hit with everyone in our family. Rion ate three muffins for dinner plus the half of one Torii didn't finish.

Corn dog muffins
2 packages (8 1/2 ounces each) corn bread/muffin mix
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 can (11 ounces) whole kernel corn, drained
5 hot dogs, chopped

In a large bowl, combine corn bread mix and brown sugar. Combine eggs and milk; stir into dry ingredients until moistened. Stir in corn and hot dogs (batter will be thin). Fill greased or paper lined muffin cups three-fourths full. Bake at 400 degrees for 14-18 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'll clean tomorrow....

"Boys are God's way of telling you your house is too clean." I saw that quote and really liked it. Although I've never been real great at housekeeping. And since the kids were born, keeping a clean house is a battle I refuse to compete in. Before Rion was born I read something that I really liked: "Your kids are only young once, but your dishes will be there tomorrow." So I'm not lazy. I'm just being a good mom. There are advantages of a mess. Take all the toys on the floor. It's part of the "Home Alone Security System." A burglar comes into our house, and wham! He slips on the Matchbox cars scattered on the floor. Then as he is getting up he presses the toe of some stuffed animal, which then makes noise, alerting the members of the household that someone is in the house. Instead of a security alarm sticker in our window, we just park the kids' bikes in front of the house. A burglar sees that and thinks twice about going into our house.