Friday, June 27, 2008

Don't embarrass me

Usually I am in the office at work, but today I was on the front lines. A lot of people came in, it was so busy. One group of tourists consisted of a grandpa and grandma and a couple of their grandchildren. As I greeted them, the grandpa said, "where's the liquor store?" I knew he was joking so I played along. At one point I looked back and the granddaughter was looking so embarrassed. She must have been about 13 years old and she had a look like she wanted to get away. This grandpa reminded me of my own grandpa and the things he would say to "embarrass" us. Looking back, of course, it wasn't that bad, but at the time it was mortifying. Now we smile and laugh at the good memories that once were so embarrassing. I wonder what things my kids will find embarrassing about their parents and grandparents?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Funny quotes

I've been writing down funny things the kids have been saying, but haven't gotten around to posting them yet. I know I'm missing a lot because a day doesn't go by that they say something funny. By the time I have a chance to write it down, I've forgotten what they said. So here's some of the things they have said lately.

One night at the campfire the boys were going to walk someplace with their lanterns, but Rion was scared.
Rion: "I need someone to go with me."
Me: "Torii will go with you."
Rion: "I'll be right behind him."

When Rion was sitting at the computer after it was taken away from him as a punishment. Rion: "The computer turned on all by itself."

Rion always drinks Torii's glass of milk if his glass is empty. Then Torii gets mad because he doesn't have milk. When I asked Rion if he drank Torii's glass of milk, this is what he told me: "Cordelia drank Torii's milk."

Monday, June 23, 2008

No news is good news

I like to be an informed person and I like to keep up to date about current events, but I'm getting sick of the news. I've never liked to hear stories about crimes against children, but now that I have children, it's even harder to hear. I have cried after reading stories about crimes against children. I know bad things happen and there are a lot of bad people out there, but I don't want to know about it. Therefore, I'm just going to stop watching the news and reading the paper. It seems like I see one these horrible stories everyday and I don't want to anymore. I know there are a lot of bad people and that's all I need to know.

Stealing is ok

Rion had his first soccer game tonight. It was a lot of fun to watch the little kids playing soccer. They stayed in a bunch, all crowded around the soccer ball. Rion had a lot of fun just running around. For his entire life we have told him to share. He hears it all the time. Now he's in soccer and we tell him to take the ball away from the other team. Poor confused kid.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diaper wars

Cordelia is now at the stage where she is constantly on the move. And she moves fast. This is the stage that changing a diaper should be an Olympic event. It's not easy. I've tried to keep her occupied with a toy while I change her diaper, but it doesn't work. Whatever toy I give her, she wants the one that is on the other side of the room. Or she just wants to see what her big brothers are up to. Whatever she wants, by the time I have unfolded the new diaper, she is gone. Now I have to have everything laid out and ready so I never have to let go of her legs. That's the trick. If I let go of her legs, she crawls away. The big problem I'm having now is the Desitin. It's not easy to put Desitin on a baby's butt when she's trying her hardest to get away. Most of the time I end up with more Destin on me than on her.