Friday, August 31, 2007

Sleeping with the fishes

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and since about mid-way through the pregnancy I started having trouble sleeping at night. I would toss and turn and my hips hurt. My nurse suggested I get a body pillow that I could tuck between my legs and position it under my belly and wrap my arms around it. When she told me this I suddenly remembered the pillow I had used in my previous pregnancies. This pillow must be 4ft long and it's a big ugly catfish. When I got home I found the catfish that has been living downstairs for the past few years. So every night when I crawl into bed I stradle this big catfish and throw my arms around it. Sure I felt a little silly at first, but I was sleeping better at night so I didn't care. Now I just feel bad for my husband. This catfish has probably, no I know it has, seen more action than he has the last few months.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Cereal Incident

On July 6th I arrived home from work only to discover the mess that we now know as the cereal incident. On my husband's "watch" the boys had opened three boxes of cereal and then proceeded to dump them all over the kitchen floor. From information gathered at the scene, it was determined that Torii did most of the dumping. However, big brother Rion did not stop him and laughed and encouraged the act. From there the two continued on to the bathroom where Froot Loops were dumped into the toilet. After witnesses were questioned and the crime scene cleaned, it was concluded that all male members of the household be charged for their involvement. The boys served time for their direct involvement. The husband was charged as an accessory for his failure to peel himself off the couch when it was obvious the kids were up to something.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I am starting this blog just to write and possibly at times vent about being a mother of two toddler boys. I love my children to death and would do anything for them, but sometimes it is so hard. My mom, who raised three daughters, has said many times that boys are definitely different from girls. She was talking to another mother, who had boys, about this. This mother said, yes, boys don't color. I thought that was the perfect way to describe it.

I read the parenting magazines that offer advice about crafts and activities you can do with your child. It all sounds great, but my kids just won't do it. I bought them stickers to play with while I did some scrap booking. They stuck the stickers on the paper and then put the paper through my paper cutter over and over. I was stuck cleaning up a mess of shredded paper on the floor. Coloring is a good quiet activity. My kids had more fun breaking the crayons in half then putting crayon to paper. That's about as far as our creative endeavors have gone. My boys are more interested in running, screaming and destroying. I love them. I just wish they would sit and color sometimes.