Friday, May 14, 2010

Two sides of Torii

This week has been very busy at work as the end of the year field trips are in full swing. The fourth graders from the boys' school were out this week. One of the helpers, Miss D., that is in Torii's class a lot was helping out on the field trip. She saw me and told me she just had to tell me that I had the best kid. It told her how it was funny because out of all my kids, Torii is the one that gives me the most trouble. She said she couldn't imagine that. He is a good listener, raises his hand all the time, he's smart, and stands in line so nicely. The teacher always tells the other kids to be more like Torii. It is amazing seeing him at school. He is so quiet and polite. He may misbehave at home, but we must have done something right if that's how he acts in public.

Torii's class also had a substitute for four days this week. The sub told Fred on Thursday that the class had gotten punished for their behavior, but she didn't feel Torii deserved it. He was really great all week. Torii had to tell me all about it that evening. I was really proud of him for being so good and not following the bad behavior that the other kids exhibited throughout the week.

As far as his behavior at home, it has gotten better lately. We have tried a few things like the traffic light chart and rewarding good behavior with extra time playing video games. It seems to be working. And when he got a little out of hand the other night I told him I was going to video tape him and bring it to school. Then Miss D. would see how he acts at home since she didn't believe me. That stopped his tantrum cold.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Hope you enjoyed your day today.

I had a very nice Mother's Day. I actually woke up childless this morning, which is kind of funny on Mother's Day. My parents had the kids overnight on Saturday so Fred and I had a night out. We decided not to do the usual dinner and movie date so we went bowling. I'm so out of shape that my legs hurt a little today. I bowled the worst I have ever bowled, but we had fun. After bowling we tried out Reza's Pitch. We've been meaning to try it out because we have always liked the owner. We ate there quite often when it was the A&W and the owner was always super nice so we wanted to support his new restaurant. The burgers were great, so go check it out and support a local business! While we ate we started watching the Twins game so after dinner we headed to a bar and watched the rest of the game. I have a really bad itch to see a game live now.

So this morning I planned on sleeping in late, but I was up at 7:00. The one morning we haven't had an overcast morning. It's funny because I didn't have to drag my butt out of bed like I usually have to do. Something about getting up because I wanted to, not because some kids needed breakfast or I had to go to work. The kids didn't get home until after lunch and Fred went fishing so I enjoyed my morning alone and got to watch two chick flicks uninterrupted. The rest of the day was a pretty typical Sunday. I did my grocery shopping and cooked supper. I tried to do some baking, but messed it up. (It doesn't turn out if you don't add eggs. Oops.)

It was a very nice weekend. I've got my batteries recharged and I'm ready for another week.