Thursday, October 9, 2008

Control freak

After our visit to the walk-in clinic last night, we stopped at Target to pick up some Benadryl and a few other things. Torii has really been testing my patience lately and I almost lost it in Target. He is going through this stage where everything has to be his way and his rules. Needless to say we aren't getting along very well. Torii threw a fit in just about everything we did. It wasn't enough that I took a game off the shelf for him to look at. He wanted to be lifted up to see it on the shelf. Then he got mad because Rion pushed a button on a Halloween decoration before him. I told him to push it again, but he wouldn't until I walked back the three steps to that decoration and stood right beside him. Today we had a MOPS steering meeting and he was an angel during the meeting. Then we got home and he turned into a little devil. He was mad because I didn't let him roll his window down. Then he was mad because he didn't get to close the car door. So he opened the door back up and was waiting for me to come back and stand by him while he closed it. I stayed on the front porch and he finally closed it. He was still mad and would not come inside. Cordelia was hungry so I went inside and Torii followed, but only because I started counting. And it just went on and on and on. I was so happy I had to leave for work.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flu and cold season

Cordelia has been battling a nasty cold for a few weeks now. Her and I both had it, but I have been able to get over it. Her problem right now is all the gunk in her nose and throat. She keeps swallowing it, which makes her tummy upset and then she throws up. For the past week and a half she has been waking up at night throwing up. I feel like I am constantly washing her crib sheets. I have also spent most of those nights sleeping with her, which is making me exhausted. We went to the walk-in last week and got some medicine to keep her from throwing up, but that only worked for a couple of nights. Today I called the clinic hoping to get her into her doctor, but he is on vacation. So I took her into the walk-in again after work and thankfully the other doctor that I really like was on walk-in duty. Her lungs are clear, but it's her sinuses that are the problem. We got some antibiotics and some Benedryl so hopefully that does the trick. The doctor said it may take a couple of days for things to kick in so I may have a couple more nights of dealing with baby throw up. I just want her to get over this. It's no fun when a baby is sick.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tooth fairy visit

This morning as everyone was starting to get up, Rion lost his tooth. I told him to set it on that table so he wouldn't lose it. He got up and ran to the bathroom to check out his new smile. Then he went back to bed and said he couldn't find his tooth. He had already put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy. We had to search a little, but we found it. I put it in a baggie and put it in a safe place until tonight. He is so excited to see what the tooth fairy is going to leave for him.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Book order

One of my favorite things at school was when the Scholastic book orders came and we could order books. Rion brought his first one home on Friday and it was nice to see that some things haven't changed. They are still printed on that thin paper and books are plastered all over the pages in no real order. It's almost visual overload trying to look at the pages. I asked Fred if he also got those book orders when he was in school. He said he did and the Star Wars book that he has in one of his boxes downstairs came from school book orders. Rion looked through it and found some books they had read in class so we will be ordering those.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Board game mania

Torii has become my board game buddy. We have been playing Monopoly Jr., which he beats me at all the time. I don't even let him win, he flats out beats me. The properties on the game are amusement park rides and instead of a jail there is rest rooms. I always land on the space that says "Pay $3 to take the tramway to the restrooms." When I put my car on the restrooms Torii always tells me, "There, that will keep you busy."