Saturday, May 16, 2009

School activities

Rion is headed into his last week of kindergarten. He said he is excited because he wants to be a first grader. Last week all the kindergartners put on a program. They sang six songs and then got a kindergarten certificate. I asked Rion why he hasn't been singing any of those songs at home, but Fred said he has been singing them everyday after school. There were some really goofy songs and Fred had no idea what he was singing about. He said he finally put it altogether at the program. The lyrics to one song was just names of fast food restaurants and the kids had actions to go with each restaurant. I would have been concerned if I heard Rion singing about all the fast food restaurants. In context it was a cute song.

The week before last they had a school dance. They have been learning dancing in gym so this was a way to show off their new moves. I can't remember learning to dance in grade school. I thought that torture was reserved for junior high. At this dance only the older kids danced while the younger kids ran around the gym. The funniest moment involved Cordelia. There was a break in between songs so the students could get organized for the next song. Cordelia was getting brave and walking around the gym on her own more. During the break she was walking up front by the speakers. Just as she turned to walk back to me the DJ turned on "Cotton Eyed Joe". She jumped and picked up her pace and ran back to me.

This week they have lots of fun activities planned. They are going to the zoo one day and the last day is an awards day and activities outside. I can't believe Rion will be a first grader and Torii will be starting school in the fall as well. These kids are growing up too fast.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Walk this way

We are finally enjoying some hints at summer. After being cooped up all winter we are getting outside as much as possible. Usually we just hang out in the backyard. Torii likes to play baseball. I found some whiffle balls at the dollar store the other day and he likes hitting those around. He also likes to play soccer and he's practicing for the upcoming season. He likes to be the goalie so he can use his hands. A few nights after supper we have taken walks. Tonight we took a walk to GG's house. Cordelia hasn't been doing a good job of listening to me and she walks all over people's lawns and towards anything that interests her. Finally I got her to take Torii's hand and they walked hand in hand all the way to GG's. She will not take my hand, but anytime Torii lets go, she yells for him and holds out her hand. Next time we go for a walk I will have to bring the camera because it is too darn cute. She loves her big brother so much.