Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A conversation with Torii

Torii: When you get married who gets to pick?
Me: What do you mean?
Does the boy or the girl pick who to marry?
They both have to decide to get married.
No, no, no! (Mild tantrum here). The boy should pick who to get married to!
The way it usually goes, is the boy asks the girl if she wants to marry him. If she says "yes", they get married.
What if she says "no"?
Then they don't get married.
What if she says "maybe"?
Then the boy asks her again later.
What if she says "maybe" forever?
Then the boy can keep dating her or move on.
What's dating?
You know, they go on lots of dates to see if they like each other. If they like each other enough they get married.
Later that day:
What if all the girls tell me "no"?
Torii, if one girl says "no" to you, then she is crazy. (To this Torii smiles and gets a little twinkle in his eye).
But what if they all really say "no"?
The world is filled with girls and there is one perfect for you. You'll find her.
Again later in the day:
How old do you have to be to get married?
I'm not sure. Technically, maybe 18, but you should wait until after college.
After college I can get married?
Then what?
You need to get a job.
Then what?
You buy a house.
Then what?
You have kids.
Then what?
(Deep breath) I don't know Torii. Whatever.

I don't know what Torii's obsession with marriage is lately. My best guess is that he is playing house with the girls in school and he gets to play the part of husband. The other day he told me he was going to marry "A" in his class. Or "B", (who happens to be "A's" identical twin sister).