Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Snow is on the way and the Christmas decorations are all over the stores already. I love Christmas, but it kind of made me sick to see Christmas trees up at Walmart the other day. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. However, I have started using the "we aren't buying that today. Maybe you'll get it for Christmas" speech already. I'm sure it won't be long before I start threatening the kids with the "Santa is watching" speech. The kids are already on the lookout for what they want for Christmas and lists are being made. Rion has wanted a Pillow Pet since he saw the penguin one on TV ages ago and now they are available at Walmart. I thought Pillow Pets were kind of lame, but when we looked at them at Walmart I was sold. They are so soft! Pillow Pets must be on many kids' lists because they are really selling at Walmart. They usually only have two different kinds, but when Cordelia and I were there the other day we spotted a penguin so I picked it up for Rion for Christmas. Cordelia wants the unicorn, but it was out and I wasn't going to buy it for her with her there anyway. So I put the penguin in the cart and made Cordelia very angry that she wasn't going to get one too. But I plowed on with my angry child, I'm sure to the delight of every other customer there that day. Hey, she eventually calmed down. As we were getting ready to checkout, another family came into our lane. There was a young boy in their cart and he practically jumped out of the cart when he saw the Pillow Pet on the conveyor belt. He would have made it, if mom wouldn't have intervened. The kid was not pleased that we were getting a Pillow Pet and he was not. I guess if it was my kid I would have started the "maybe for Christmas" speech.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First crushes and imaginary friends

Cordelia has a "crush". After school the kids usually spend some time at the playground. There is a boy in Rion's grade that is usually out there too. Cordelia talks about him all the time and thinks he is really funny. Last week I picked the kids up from school since they had conferences shortly after class got out. The whole time we were outside Cordelia was on the lookout for this boy. Finally he came out and she preceded to follow him everywhere. When he had to leave he made Cordelia's day by giving her a hug.

Our little Cordelia is also becoming really great at playing pretend. She has tea parties, plays with her Barbies and her Little Pet Shops. It's so fun to watch her when she doesn't know we are watching. Since her brothers aren't big on the tea parties, she often has tea with Max. Max just happens to be Max from Max and Ruby. Dear goodness, my daughter is seeing an imaginary rabbit! Anyway, Max hangs out with her a lot and they have a lot of good times.