Friday, April 4, 2008

I wonder.......

When cavemen and cavewomen had babies do you think they got up in the middle of the night to make sure their newborn was still breathing?

I don't know, I just find the image funny.

Mom wanted: Problem solving skills a must

Today Torii closed the bathroom door and then told Rion to open it. "Ha, ha, it's locked," he laughed. As everyone knows the best way to get a locked door open is with a bobby pin. But what happens when the bobby pin you need to open the door is on the other side of said door in the bathroom? I have a nice little set of mini screwdrivers that are mainly used to open battery compartments on the kids' toys and that did the trick. Just add creative problem solver to the mom part of my resume.

Scare me half to death

For most of the day my boys are loud. Really loud. There is only one time when they aren't. That would be late at night or the early morning, however you look at it. Sometimes, usually when I'm pregnant, I find myself getting out of bed for something. Potty break, glass of water, pain reliever for a headache that just won't go away. So I crawl out of bed, make my way to the bathroom or kitchen, turn back around and "what is that!?" In the dark stands a small person. My first thought is always, "who is that little person in my house and what is he going to do to me?" Then every horror scene from every horror movie I have ever seen runs through my brain. Now wide awake, I finally realize it is my son. One time Rion got up and sat down in the middle of the living room. I didn't see him until I was right next to him. Talk about scared out of my mind. This doesn't happen often, but it's often enough that I think by now I would be used to it. But I'm not. I have a near heart attack every time. Someday they would make great Navy Seals.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

One of the funniest things I have ever seen

Torii was having a tantrum yesterday about some stupid show. I didn't know which show he was talking about and he was having a fit. He fell on the floor and continued his tantrum. He was laying on his belly and realized he couldn't get up. The mardi gras beads that were in his hands, were now around each of his wrists and his arms were behind his back. He was on the floor flopping around trying to get up. He wanted me to help him, but it was so funny I just laughed at him. At first he was really mad, but when he saw I was laughing he started to laugh. Then the ham milked it for a little bit. He finally did figure out how to get up.