Monday, July 6, 2009

That's gotta hurt

On Saturday as we waited for dark so we could do the rest of our fireworks, we took a break inside. I was flipping through channels when I saw "Wipeout" was on. I had never watched it before, but I knew it would be something the boys would like. It sounds bad, but they really liked seeing people falling and getting hurt. Rion laughed the loudest when one of the guys got hit right between the legs. Torii liked the show too and said he wants to be on it. Grandma told him only grownups could be on the show so Torii said he is going to be on TV some day. Later in the show he asked Grandma if she will watch him when he's on TV. I have no doubt that Torii could be a reality TV star.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

An open letter to the ice cream truck

Dear ice cream truck owner(s),

At least twice a week we hear your truck's jingle travel through the hot summer air. The sound goes on for 30, 40 minutes. We wait in anticipation when the truck will make the turn down our street. Yet it never happens. Tonight as we played in the backyard, we heard the jingle get louder and louder until there it was! Through our backyard neighbor's yard we saw the ice cream truck traveling north. We implored the truck to take the next right, but the jingle turned quieter until we could no longer hear it. Each night we hear you there is no doubt you are in the trailer court south of us. While I can't argue with your marketing plan, (there's lots of kids in the trailer court), I beg you to visit the kids just north of there. Even though I grew up 10 miles out of town I remember on occasion an ice cream truck stopping at the corner by our house. Now I have a family and we live in town, but my kids have never experienced the ice cream truck. They have never stood next to the truck looking at the picture menu debating between a rocket pop or a fudgecicle. Or maybe an ice cream sandwich. Then again, maybe a push-up. They have never waited patiently for the man to disappear inside his truck and reappear in the window to hand them whatever they ordered. We have a book about an ice cream truck, which is a favorite at bedtime. Yet, it's only a story to them. They still have not experienced the delight of hearing that jingle as the ice cream truck turns down their street, the mad dash for some money and finally some cool ice cream on a hot summer day. So once again I beg you. We would love to see the ice cream truck in our neighborhood.
Stacy, Rion, Torii and Cordelia

4th of July

We had a very good Fourth of July. In the morning we took in the parade. I thought Cordelia would go after the candy more, but she was more content sitting on the sidelines and eating the candy. She didn't like the loud noises in the parade and would cling to someone until the noise was gone. Torii got a surprise from Santa who made an appearance in the parade. One of Santa's elves gave him a present, which nobody was expecting. Torii looked at all of us like "well, what am I suppose to do with this?" He opened his present and there was a juice inside.
After the parade the boys went with Grandpa and Grandma and the rest of us went home. Cordelia crashed as soon as I put her in the crib. I took a catnap as well. Being well rested, we then headed over to Grandpa and Grandma's. After eating too much, the boys wanted to shoot off fireworks. We had one bag full of fireworks, which was plenty, although next year I will have to get more since the boys are enjoying blowing stuff up more. They even lit some fireworks on their own. There was only one minor injury when Rion wasn't watching what he was doing and hit Torii in the cheek with the punk. Today Torii has a small burn mark on his cheek. The boys bought lots of parachutes and they had fun chasing those. We got a few night time fireworks and those were a big hit too. When we left we took the long way home and took our time. Torii and Cordelia crashed in the car, but Rion stayed up the whole way home. We went through Lincoln which was one massive smoke cloud. It was a good show though.

When we got home Torii wanted to be carried inside. I told him I had to carry Cordelia in, so he walked in by himself. When I got inside with Cordelia, Torii was fast asleep on the chair. Torii, Cordelia and I all slept in until 9:30 this morning.