Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nancy Drew and the missing computer

I constantly remind everyone in the house to be careful on the computer and watch what they are clicking on. So when we did get a virus last week, guess who was responsible? Of course it was me. And of course it was right before the weekend and we didn't get our computer back until Tuesday. Poor Rion was without a computer the entire weekend. Not that I was much better. How did we ever manage before computers? Not that any of us really need to be on the computer as much as we are, but I wanted to do some things this weekend anyway. On Saturday we finally checked out the remodel at the library. It is very nice. Rion got in some computer time there and Torii and I played checkers. Cordelia ran around. We found some good books and checked out the movie "Nancy Drew". I'd like to say Rion is a Nancy Drew fan because of his love of books, but it's because he plays Nancy Drew computer games. I will admit he's really good at them and can figure them out by himself. When we got home we watched the movie. Rion didn't make it through the entire movie in one sitting because he had stop and play Nancy Drew. He eventually finished the movie and then continued to watch his favorite scenes over and over. On Sunday, Rion was pretending to be Nancy Drew. It lasted all day. He found clues, solved mysteries and oh, yah, insisted on being called Nancy Drew all day. I told him he should be Nathan Drew, but he liked Nancy Drew instead. After school on Monday, he noticed some old magazines I had on the table. I told him he could do whatever he wanted with them so he began cutting out "clues" from the magazines. He cut out some food which apparently was a huge clue. Tomorrow is show and tell and he wants to bring the Nancy Drew movie to school. He is still insisting we call him Nancy Drew at home and made a Nancy Drew Mii on the Wii today. He looked at the movie cover to reference what she looks like. Tomorrow he wants to bowl with her.