Friday, December 18, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho

Last Sunday the kids finally got to see Santa. Rion asked for a Wii plus a game. Torii asked for Bakugan. Cordelia just wanted to leave. Luckily she is easily bribed with a candy cane. Will Santa come through for them? They only have a week to wait and then they'll find out!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas program

All the kids had their letters to Santa on the wall.
Rion had to unroll his long list and then check it twice. I had recorded the afternoon program and Rion watched it when we got home. When he saw himself unroll his list he said, "I did it!"

Rion got to play Santa in the first grader's Christmas program. He did a great job. The whole program was really good. In the afternoon the kids did the program for the entire school and then the evening program all the parents and relatives got to see it. We actually went to both performances. The kids were more goofy at the evening program. The music teacher actually had to hush them a couple of times. They were probably goofy because their parents were there. But both programs were very good and all the kids did a great job. A few days ago after school a kid came up to Rion and asked if he was Santa at the program. Rion said he was and the kid said, "that was awesome!"