Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Little Romeo

Last week Torii let me know he was going to give two flowers to two girls in school. First he was going to give them roses and then tulips. I asked him why and suddenly he got shy and wouldn't say anymore. Later he brought it up again, but wouldn't give any more information. Then just before bedtime he said he wanted to whisper something in my ear. He whispered, "The reason I want to give those girls flowers is because they are so beautiful." I giggled and he clammed up again, but I told him that was a really sweet thing to do and he felt better again. He brought the subject up again the next day and he said the girls had picked roses and he had picked tulips so that was the reason for the two kinds of flowers. Sometimes I wish I could be invisible so I could hang out with him and hear these conversations he has with girls.

On the 4th of July we enjoyed a nice evening at my parents' house. As the kids patiently waited for the sun to go down so we could do the really cool fireworks, we watched that night's amazing sunset. After the fireworks were done and we were getting in the car, Torii told me the sunset reminded him of one of the girls because it was beautiful like her.

In one of our many discussions on this flower topic and beautiful girls, he got self conscience about something he said, (I may have giggled again to make him feel that way), I told him he was really sweet and any girl would be so happy to hear things like that. On one hand, I'm nervous about what this little boy is going to be like once he hits puberty. On the other hand, I think he'll be a great boyfriend. That is as long as his daddy doesn't get to him. Hopefully, I can keep him in good boyfriend shape. What girl doesn't love getting flowers and hearing her boyfriend compare her to a sunset?