Thursday, January 5, 2012

Praying for a Tebow playoff miracle

I don’t know if Torii just likes to disagree or he has to be an individual. Either way, he decided that he wasn’t going to like any sports teams that his parents like. Therefore, he picked the Steelers as his favorite football team. I asked him why he picked the Steelers. “They look tough,” he said. They went on to win the Super Bowl that year. For Christmas I bought Torii a Steelers calendar. It has this year’s schedule on it and he noticed the Broncos and Steelers did not play each other this year. That quickly changed as the Steelers are set to play in Denver in the first round of the playoffs this weekend. The smack talk began immediately. In the spirit of the game Torii and I have made a friendly wager. If the Broncos win, he has to get down on his knee, and Tebow in his Steelers jersey. And I get to take a picture. Torii decided that if the Steelers win, I have to do a Vikings cheer. And he gets to video it. So look for me singing Skol Vikings soon. That kid is evil.