Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Everything comes back in style

Cordelia discovered my old cowboy boots that I have sitting on a shelf with all my cowboy stuff. I also had my old red shirt kind of stuffed and sticking out of the boots. I let her try on the boots and now she wears them all the time. They are still a little big for her, but she loves clomping around in them. Here's Cordelia wearing my boots and shirt and below the pictures of me wearing them when I was much, much younger.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Somebody has to do it

The guy on "Dirty Jobs" should be a mom to sick kids for one episode. I've never said being a mom is glamourous and this weekend was a good example why. Cordelia has had diarrhea all weekend. Her poor little butt is so red. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say it's explosive diarrhea. The kind that diapers can't contain. This morning we had pancakes in an effort to solve that problem. At the other end, she threw up a couple of times. She has had a runny nose and I think that's what made her puke up breakfast after her nap. Thankfully, she only threw up twice and it wasn't that much. Other than that she feels great and doesn't act sick.

This morning I heard Torii get up to use the bathroom. I didn't think anything of it and went back to sleep. Then I was jolted out of my sleep to loud cries of "MOM!" Torii was still in the bathroom and he needed help. He also got the explosive diarrhea and needed more toilet paper. Plus a change of clothes since he didn't quite make it in time. I hope they are feeling better tomorrow. I'm so sick of laundry and cleaning up messes. On that I would like to thank the good people at Woolite. I think I used half of a bottle of Woolite Oxy Deep cleaner this weekend. That stuff is great.