Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sick of being sick, part 2

After feeling really great for a few days, Rion started to feel real crummy again on Monday. After school he planted himself in front of the TV and looked like he was going to fall asleep. He finally went to bed at 6:00 and was asleep in no time. He stayed home from school for the next two days and was really tired, didn't have much of an appetite, had chills and a fever. On Thursday I decided to take him in after his temperature got to 103 degrees. Since Torii and Cordelia have been feeling really well I dropped them off at Grandpa and Grandma's house so they wouldn't pick something up at the clinic. I'm so glad they were not with because we ended up being at the clinic for three hours. I thought Rion would be diagnosed with the flu, we would get medicine and we would be on our way, but something was off and a battery of tests were ordered. His blood work showed a high level of white cells and an ultrasound showed some concern in his intestines. Therefore, we were booked a night in the hospital and Rion was scheduled for a CT scan in the morning. Rion felt pretty bad in the morning, but the CT scan came back normal so more tests were ordered. His white cell count came down and he was feeling better so they sent us back home. I now have the privilege of collecting some poop because the doctor didn't think to order this test until after he had a movement in the hospital. We still don't know what was causing him all this pain. This hospital visit has provided no answers, just another large "donation" for their services. (Sorry I'm just a little grumpy right now). Rion thinks the "sleepover" was fun because people brought him whatever food he wanted and he got to play new video games all day. He was a super good kid and didn't complain much, even when they put the IV in. As we sat in the clinic last night I told Rion we would get something to eat on the way home as it just kept getting later and later. He had it on his mind that he wanted Big Boy and told every nurse about the plan. He didn't get Big Boy yesterday, but it was our first stop after being released from the hospital tonight. I told him he deserved it because he was such a big brave boy at the hospital. He said, "I try my best."