Thursday, January 31, 2008

Write it down or forget it forever

I write down everything. As I write now, I am copying my notes that I joted down earlier for the blog. Since I've had kids, my brain is a jumbled mess. The only way I can somewhat get things done is by writing everything down.

I have no less than two lists on my fridge at all times. Right now there is a grocery list, a to do list, a dinner list for the week, and a doctor appointment reminder. My fridge is the secretary I wish I had to keep track of all I need to do.

Lately I've noticed some weird things on my lists. I usually write something down quick as it pops into my head while I'm either doing something else or in between two chores. So the other day I grabbed my grocery list and took a quick look at it. I had written down "grape children." Grape children? What the hell is grape children? I stared at it in complete bewilderment. Grape children, grape children, grape children. What was grape children? Finally the lightening bolt hit and I realized it was suppose to be grape jelly. Grape jelly for the children's peanut butter and jelly. I was obviously thinking of one thing and trying (unsuccessfully) to write another. But that's how my brain works lately. I think about one thing and quickly move onto the next. It is constantly going, thinking about the next thing that needs to get done. It's amazing that this blog gets done and makes any sense. At least I think it makes sense.

Together vs.Seperated

When possible I only go out in public with one child, two at the most. When I say two children, I mean the baby and one male child. Going anywhere with both Rion and Torii is just asking for trouble.

I hate going to Walmart with them especially. They like to get the cart that has the two seats behind the actual cart. The seats are arranged so that the two kids look at each other. I know a mother did not come up with this design. Kids can't just sit and look at each other. No they have to fight and bicker in their seats. A regular isn't any good either because they find ways to fight and bicker then too.

When I go out with just one of the boys it's amazing how well they act. They are down right adorable when seperated. They are polite. They are helpful. It's amazing and I milk it for all it's worth. When I'm out with one boy I can look like the terrific mom with the perfect kids. And then when I'm out with all three kids I look like the frazzled mom with unruly kids.